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"What is up with the people in this damn institution?!" Yoongi asks under his breath while gritting his teeth. He bangs his tray loaded with his lunch on the table causing Jungkook to jerk back and Namjoon to flinch.

" Well hello Yoongi. You plan on murdering someone today? If you are, don't worry, you can be your own lawyer." Namjoon sarcastically remarks.

" Why is everyone...literally everyone asking me about Taehyung?!" Yoongi frowns more, glaring at some girls passing by.

" Uh...hello? Have you seen him? Dude is a damn hot stuff! And the way he just...showed you love so two took people by surprise." Jungkook says, stealing a fry from Yoongi who quickly swats his hand away.

" That doesn't concern them." Yoongi says even though his cheeks heat up so bad. Were they that eye catching?

" were literally acting like a couple close to marriage...which reminds me..." Namjoon pauses.

" My uncle would be having his wedding next month. I'm officially inviting you two. And Yoongi, come with a date."

" Your uncle? The freaking rich Korean billionaire?!" Yoongi shrieks and Namjoon nods.

" Yeah. And trust me, his wedding will give off some Met Gala vibe."

" OMG! Yoongi, what do we wear?"

" Talk about wearing, what about how to behave. Sure, our parents are rich but not...Mega Millionaire fancy rich!"

" Yeah and we also have to figure out a ride!!!" Jungkook panics, taking out his phone to Google for some limos on hiring.


Namjoon sighs and shakes his head.

" Guys...I said the wedding is a month away?"



Both Yoongi and Jungkook awkwardly laugh.

" Yeah...not that we are SO eager anyway."

" Yeah...we have A LOT of time to prepare. NO PRESSURE."


" Welcome cutie." Taehyung says, ushering Yoongi to a seat, resisting the urge to hug him to death. He looks so lovely in the huge furry coat that engulfs his form making him look so tiny.

" Thanks angel." Yoongi smiles up at Taehyung. He feels so attached to this man. Even when he and Jungkook went to attend Yuhi's burial, he never stopped calling him, and asking how he was doing.

He is really an angel. And the breathtaking boxy smile he was having at that moment only made him more angelic.

Taehyung takes a seat opposite Yoongi.

" So...what are we doing today?" Yoongi asks, his heart spiking up. They have been going through a lot of activities and at least he knows his body is normal. He can get aroused...

Only Kim Taehyung can do that to him.

" Teasing under bondage." Yoongi's thoughts stop when he sees that mischievous grin on Taehyung's face...


Yoongi stares up at the ceiling...not that he can practically see anything since he is blindfolded...

His cheeks flare in the thought that he is lying naked...all tied up at the complete mercy of Taehyung.

That thought alone causes shivers to go down Yoongi's spine. He tries to arch his back against the mattress but he is totally grounded.

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