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"Hey there! Welcome back!" Doctor Kim says cheerfully, ushering Yoongi to a seat. He can't help but notice just how down the pretty male seems to be.

" Ab...thanks. I made you this." Yoongi hands the doctor a box. Doctor Kim opens it only to see a gigantic heart shaped cookie which is cracked in the middle. Like a heart shaped emoji.

" Uh...thanks?" He says, seeming skeptical but Yoongi dryly chuckles.

" He cheated."
Doctor Kim frowns. He takes a seat opposite Yoongi and places the cookie between them. Taking his notepad and opening Yoongi's page, he scribbles some things on it.

" Sorry about that. How do you feel?" He looks at Yoongi, noticing his small smile.

" Honestly? Light, and also gloomy."

" Why are you feeling light? Your spouse cheating is something that is hard to accept."

" True." Yoongi raises his eyebrows and nods. " But it was mostly a one sided commitment. I was the one who took many chances in this relationship. The one who gave their all. My best friend warned me...but..." Yoongi looks down and sniffles as tears gather in his eyes.

" Hey. It's okay." Doctor Kim gently caresses Yoongi's hand which calms him almost immediately.

" I hurts to know that just because I couldn't give him the best sex, was enough a reason to cheat on me. What about all the things I did? For us?!" Yoongi raises his voice. Doctor Kim sighs and stands up. He walks around the desk and offers his hand to his now favorite client.
Yoongi frowns in confusion but takes the doctor's hand who leads them to the other room he came from the other day.

Turns out it's a bathroom.

The doctor makes Yoongi stand Infront of a full length mirror and then stands behind him. Due to their height difference, they can clearly see each other's face.

Damn! He is so hot! Imagine being fucked Infront of this mirror-

Yoongi blushes at his thoughts.

" Tell me, are you ugly?" Taehyung looks intensely at Yoongi through the mirror and Yoongi shakes his head.

" Words."

'Gosh that was so Dom!'

" No."

"Exactly. You're gorgeous. Beautiful. Pretty. Min Yoongi, you can get any man you want because you're so damn blessed.

Sex is one thing...personality is another.

You may not be that experienced in sex...yet, but, you have a personality that would make anyone want to go on their knees for you."

Yoongi bites his lips harshly as a wide smile almost etches itself on his face.

" And if that idiot cannot see that, it's his own loss."

Doctor Kim smiles at Yoongi. Their eyes holding some emotions both of them can't explain.


It takes every strength in him not to wrap his hands around the pretty male and shower him with kisses.

" Thanks doc. That really helped."

" Welcome." The doctor now steps away from the mirror.
" have something for me to read?"



I humm to my favorite songs, bathing in my lavender scented water. I lean back against my bathtub, knowing that my man will soon be over.

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