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Jungkook and Namjoon...AND the whole university, look at Yoongi like he grew a second head.


He is smiling, that dazzling gummy smile that makes him look a thousand times more angelic, and he is giggling, greeting people and even being extra touchy with his two friends...which is weird because Yoongi hates skin ship in public.

" That's it! We are seeing a doctor!" Jungkook says as he feels Yoongi's forehead.

" Doctor?!" Yoongi's eyes light up at the mere word.

" Okay, he is scaring me." Namjoon tells his boyfriend who nods in agreement.

" Yoongi, did you fall from the top of your stairs? Or hit your head on a wall...are you doing drugs?!" Jungkook whisper yells the last statement and that brings Yoongi out of his happy bubble. He frowns and smacks Jungkook's head who pouts and pats his head.

" I'm fine." He smiles again." Just happy!"

" Okay...Bipolar disorder!" Namjoon speaks quickly. He is taking medicine...and he is damn intelligent. A walking genius.

" What is wrong with you people! Can't a man be happy?" Yoongi asks now annoyed, back to his grumpy self.
" What!" He barks at the students looking at him who immediately look away with fear in their eyes.

" Is it the therapy?" Jungkook cautiously asks and just like that, Yoongi's beaming gummy smile returns. Jungkook and Namjoon look at each if telepathically telling each other to and far from Yoongi.

" My doctor...his name is Kim Taehyung. He is soooo cool, and hot! Gosh! He has these eyes, and a cute mole on his nose, and those lips, phew! And he is soooo tall, like almost six foot! And he has this nice broad chest, and the best longest fingers I've ever seen...HOT! and his smile is like...boxy! Like it forms a rectangle and makes him look soooo cute! And his voice...I swear the ocean is not deep. I drowned! Like...drowned in his voice. He also puts on a cologne I've never smelt before...and yesterday night, he texted me goodnight, but I panicked and I never answered so...OH MY GOD! WHAT DO I DO??!!!!"

For the first time since his existence, Yoongi has spoken a thousand words within a minute...and for the very first time since his existence...Jungkook is speechless.

" Yoongi..." Namjoon begins, " you remember there is someone on this earth called Jung Hoseok? And he is your boyfriend?"

And just like that, Yoongi's mood goes from a hundred to negative one thousand.

" Yeah! I mean...I know. And Doctor Kim is just a cool doctor is all." Yoongi shrugs, trying to cover up his feelings for his therapist.

" It sounded like you would do anything to bend over for him." Jungkook finally finds his voice, teasingly looking at a flustered Yoongi.

" No I wouldn't! You're just dirty minded!" Yoongi counters, shoving his spaghetti into his mouth and chewing loudly...

Yoongi never does that.

" If you say so." Jungkook gives him a lopsided smile then goes back to flirting with Namjoon.

" Disgusting." Yoongi mumbles to himself as he watches his best friend giving sultry looks to a smirking Namjoon.


A cake in hand, a bright smile on his face, Yoongi walks towards Hoseok's dance studio.But ironically, his smile is not because he would be seeing his boyfriend soon.
Far from it.

It is Friday, which means that tomorrow, he would be seeing Doctor Kim.
And boy is he looking forward to it. He even plans on baking cookies for the kind but hot dominant doctor oozing sex appeal in everything he does.

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