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" How was your week?" Taehyung smiles at Yoongi who sighs.

" Exhausting...I have exams the up coming week, WHICH...I have to ace. Also, we had a family gathering thing with my best friend's family, then I went to this party and now I just want to be a rock."

Taehyung laughs, automatically bringing a small smile to Yoongi's face too.

" Well, I'm glad you're here. Again." He says, standing up. Yoongi admires his doctor's tall frame, his long slender fingers opening the notebook and caressing the pages.

Yoongi is jealous of that book.

" So!" Yoongi blinks when Taehyung claps his hands once.
" I remember telling you that we would be getting into physical matters today?"

Physical matters...

" Umm...y..yeah!" Yoongi forces himself to nod. He is nervous...and very shy.

Taehyung immediately notes his tension. He steps away from his desk and walks towards the couch, where Yoongi is seated. He sits next to him and leans close.

" I am not your ex." He says, looking into Yoongi's beautiful black orbs.

" I's just that -"

" Stop." Taehyung places his index finger on Yoongi's pink, soft lips. The doctor can only pray to have self control and not kiss Yoongi at that very second.
" Stop thinking so low of yourself. And do not worry. I won't judge you. And I won't ever think low of you like he did. I am here to help you...and I will. Only if you let me."

Yoongi releases a heavy breath and nods, looking determined. Taehyung smiles softly and stands up again. He walks to the side of the bed and pulls out a large full length mirror from under it. He faces it on the bed and nods to himself.

" So. Yoongi," He begins, suddenly becoming more dominant and professional. " Self esteem is very important in anyone's sex life. You can never have a successful sex life if you degrade yourself. Loving your body is one way in which you have confidence in yourself."

Yoongi gulps and looks down at him self.

Too short.

Too skinny...

Too pale...


" Hey!" Taehyung snaps at Yoongi who quickly looks at his doctor.
" No negative thoughts in my office." He commands and Yoongi finds himself nodding.

" Okay, now come here." Taehyung snaps his fingers and moves back as Yoongi slowly walks to the mirror. Taehyung takes of his shoes and makes himself comfortable on the bed, resting his upper body against the headboard.

Yoongi gulps as he nervously looks at the doctor behind him, seated comfortably, long legs stretched and crossed, his arms folded behind his head.

So. Damn. Hot.

" Now... Yoongi, I want you to slowly strip...knowing you are beautiful enough. Ignore any other person or thing in this room and focus on how magnificent you are."

Yoongi's eyes widen.

" Strip?!" He squeaks as the doctor gives a firm nod.

" Whenever you are ready."

" Okay." Yoongi whispers and takes a few deep breaths. He has always heard people say he is good looking, attractive, gorgeous...but he has never felt like so. In fact, he usually feels like all those compliments are pure flattery, and lies.

"Take your time, Kitten" Taehyung says and smirks when Yoongi's cheeks turn pink upon hearing the pet name.

That is one kink.

Yoongi begins undressing, taking off his watch, earrings, rings, socks, belt...

He takes off his shirt, looking at himself in the eyes. Button by button, he bites his lips and makes sure to touch his skin time to time...

Knowing his hot doctor is watching.

The shirt falls...the black jeans next.
Yoongi slowly opens his zipper, and dares to look at a smiling Taehyung watching him. He smiles back and slides the clothing down his peachy ass, his pale thighs, bending slowly to take them off his feet.

Taehyung gulps. His heart beats at an alarming rate at the view before him.

Yoongi is so damn sexy.

" Do I go on?" Yoongi tilts his head and looks at Taehyung. He holds back a smirk, seeing just where the doctor's focus is.

"If you trust yourself, you can take everything off." Taehyung says, still admiring the white lacey underwear hugging Yoongi's buttocks in the most seductive way ever.

"Okay, sir." Yoongi emphasizes the word sir, knowing just how doms love being respected. And damn! He can see the mischievous sexy smile on Taehyung's face.

" Are you teasing me?" Taehyung asks and Yoongi shrugs, taking off the underwear. He tosses it to Taehyung who catches it mid air and smirks.

" Is it working?" Yoongi winks, kneeling at the edge of the bed, just at Taehyung's feet.

" Fuck!" Taehyung curses under his breath.
His biggest kink is a submissive person.

" Okay. You have displayed confidence. That was very commendable." Taehyung says, trying to sound professional but wavering.

" So where's my reward?" Yoongi asks in a low voice, then licks his lips and looks at Taehyung's visibly swelling crotch region.

Where he got that bitchy confidence? He does not know.

" Yoongi..." Taehyung tries to find words to say...but he is speechless. Yoongi hasn't even done much, and Taehyung is at his last straw of self control.

But he is a doctor. He has to stay professional.

"Oh look at that! Our time is up!" He says, looking at the wall clock, thanking time for saving him. Yoongi giggles and gets up. He begins dressing, intentionally not taking his underwear from the doctor.

Once dressed, Yoongi takes his bag and swings it on his shoulder. He stands Infront of Taehyung's desk looking at him scribbling something on a note pad.

" weekend?" Yoongi asks, and Taehyung looks up then smiles at him.

" No." Taehyung says, standing up, towering over Yoongi.

" Why?" Yoongi frowns.

" Wednesday? Coffee?" Taehyung asks and Yoongi smiles.

" Like a date?"

Taehyung shrugs.

" Since we're both single...why not?" Taehyung looks at Yoongi whose eyes are sparkling and his ethereal gummy smile etched on his beautiful face.

" Yeah. We can have coffee. I love coffee." Yoongi replies enthusiastically.

" It's a date then. I'll text you the address." Taehyung smiles. Yoongi looks at his underwear on the doctor's desk.

" Umm...are you keeping that?" Yoongi shyly asks. All his confidence from earlier vanished.

" Oh yes." Taehyung chuckles darkly, folding the pretty clothing well and placing it in his pocket, like he would a handkerchief."

" Oh...okay." Yoongi smiles and waves at the doctor who waves back.

Once Yoongi enters his car...

He screams, like an American teenage girl that just got a hug from Justin Bieber.

" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Jungkook is so gonna love this! And Jin too!" He talks to himself, taking out his phone.

Jungkook picks after three rings...

" Ssup babe-"

" Shut up! I got good tea for you babe!"


I Love this story😂

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