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Yoongi makes sure he has locked his car. He hugs his jacket closer to his body and adjusts his scarf. It sure is freezing since it's almost winter. Yoongi looks at the cafe before him and a bright smiles etches on his face. He walks in, immediately melting in the warmth of the place. He looks around and his eyes meet with Taehyung's. The male smiles at him and waves. Yoongi smiles and walks over to the gorgeous man.

" Hey there." Taehyung stands and lightly holds Yoongi's waist with one hand. He leans and pecks his cheek.

" H...hi...hello." Yoongi stammers from the adorable gesture.

" You look lovely, as usual." Taehyung compliments as he helps Yoongi out of his jacket.

" You will kill me with compliments doc. I can swear my body temperatures are not normal." Yoongi says as Taehyung chuckles. They both have their seats, conversing about school and work.
The waiter takes their orders.

" So, how are you feeling now? About your ex?" Taehyung says as they are served.

" I'm feeling numb. I'm not angry, or sad...I'm just feeling nothing for him."

" Maybe you fell out of love before you two broke up?" Taehyung asks, looking intensely into Yoongi's eyes.

" Maybe." Yoongi shrugs. He smiles at Taehyung.

" What about you? I barely know anything about the handsome sex therapist who is on a coffee date with me." Taehyung chuckles and shakes his head.

" I'm from Daegu."

" Gosh! Me too!" Yoongi says excitedly.

" Really? Do you know Hanu ranch?"

Yoongi's eyes sparkle.

" Of course! I loved visiting that ranch when I was little. And I loved riding the horses, and boy! Their tangerines are the best ones I've ever tasted ..." Yoongi stops rambling when he realizes Taehyung is fondly looking at him, his cheek resting on his palm and that wide boxy grin adorning his handsome face.

" S...sorry. I talk a lot when I get excited." Yoongi apologizes, biting his chocolate cake and stuffing his mouth.

" Too cute." Taehyung softly whispers. He takes a tissue and reaches out to Yoongi. He gently wipes the chocolate cream from Yoongi's lips.

" Thank you." Yoongi smiles.

" Anyways, Hanu ranch belongs to my family." Taehyung smugly grins when he sees the shock on Yoongi's face.

" No way!"

" Yes way. If you stick around, maybe we can head there for a nice getaway?" Taehyung winks at a flustered Yoongi.

" Then I sure will stick around Mr. Cowboy." Yoongi teases Taehyung who laughs.

" What else about you?" Yoongi asks, slowly enjoying his black coffee.

" I like small guys with cat eyes, smart brains, cute adorable how their cheeks turn pink every time they are shy...or how they pout when they are sad."

Yoongi bites hard on his lower lip. He feels like dying. This is too much.

Kim Taehyung is too much.

" Oh...have you ever dated one?" He asks cleverly.

" No but I'm headed there." Taehyung smirks. He knows exactly what he's doing to Yoongi.

" You're so evil." Yoongi sighs and lays his head on the table as Taehyung laughs.

" Maybe an ice cream would help cool you down?" Taehyung suggests as Yoongi sits upright.

" What if I love the heat?" Yoongi counters, suddenly feeling that confidence bubbling inside him.

" Then I'll gladly add fuel to the fire."

The two stay silent, only maintaining intense eye contact.


Both of them are walking to Yoongi's house. They both preferred to walk together than drive there.

" I love dogs too. I have one back in Daegu. Her name is Holly."

Taehyung isn't focusing on the road. His eyes stay trained on Yoongi. His pale smooth skin glowing under the street lights. His black hairs swaying gently with the wind. His flushed cheeks due to the chilly weather. His rosey lips shimmering so seductively. His tiny body disappearing in the warm bundle of clothes.

" And..." Yoongi stops talking when Taehyung holds his hand. They both look down and smile as they stare at how well their hands fit.

" You were saying something about how you almost joined ballet?" Taehyung says and Yoongi giggles, going on about his past experiences.

" Well, it's been a great night." Yoongi says as they both stand at Yoongi's doorstep.

" It was lovely. Let's do this more often?" Taehyung asks, reluctantly letting go of Yoongi's hand, almost whining from the emptiness.

" Of course. Honestly, I really felt great, opening up about a lot of things to you." Yoongi smiles as they walk up the stairs.

" You're an amazing person, Yoongi." Taehyung says once they reach Yoongi's front door.

" You're not so bad yourself." The shorter teases as he playfully pokes Taehyung's chest. Both of them share a short laugh.

" So...see you on Saturday?" Taehyung pockets his hands, bouncing a little on his soles. He feels like those romantic characters on Disney.

" Yeah-"

" Can I kiss you?" Taehyung quickly asks Yoongi, internally cringing at the desperate tone of his voice. But he can't seem to hold back. Yoongi is so perfect in every way. Everything he does just draws him in like this invincible magnetic force.

He jumps from his thoughts when hands wrap around his neck. He blinks when he looks down at Yoongi. His hands hold Yoongi's waist securely as Yoongi tip toes, and he leans in...

Their lips their hearts.

They move their lips, tongues expertly dancing in common rhythm. Yoongi pulls Taehyung closer to him, feeling like he can't get enough the more they keep going.

" Mmh..." Yoongi moans into the kiss and he suddenly feels this strong desire.

" We should stop..." Taehyung says before diving in for another kiss, Yoongi's soft lips bewitching his whole being.

" Yeah...just...more..." Yoongi mumbles in between the kiss and Taehyung gladly holds him closer.

" Should we blow a whistle?" Jungkook whispers at Namjoon who is busy smirking at the kissing duo.

" Just let them be babe..."

" Uh...hello? Let them be? How many times has Yoongi sex blocked us? This is payback time!" Jungkook grins evilly and before Namjoon can stop him, Jungkook speaks with a loud voice...


Namjoon face palms as the other two pull apart and glare at a giggling Jungkook.

" Namjoon, please find another boyfriend." Yoongi grimly says and Taehyung awkwardly scratches his neck, feeling shy suddenly.


I love Jungkook so much😂😂😂

Anyways, how are my loveliest fans doing?

I hope my slow updates are not annoying you. I'm working on Game On final chapter's all a bit too much for me, but I appreciate your support.

Have a nice Sunday guys🥰🥰

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