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Yoongi sighs as he stares at his open book again. He looks at all the letters that now seem to be getting more blurry as time goes.

Or maybe it's the tears clouding his vision...

He closes his eyes knowing other people are still in the library...

And Min Yoongi is not a soft bitch.

He looks at his switched off phone and he rubs his face. He really does not want to switch it on...
He's scared.

With a tired mind, and shaky legs, he stands up from his seat and closes the humongous text book. He returns it to it's shelf and walks back to his belongings. He begins packing his things in his back pack when...

" There you are!" The loud excited voice of his best friend echoes in the silent library. Annoyed eyes turn to look at a grinning Jungkook.

" You are in a freaking library you dumbass keep it down!" Yoongi whispers loudly at his friend who ignores him and drags him out of the library.

" I've looked all over for you!" He says sounding so psyched.

" Why?"

" Your man is hear."

Yoongi stops in his tracks, causing Jungkook to stop too.

"" He frowns and squints his eyes.

" Your doc. He's waiting outside the campus building and the whole school is going crazy just looking at him because he looks so rich and hot and you've switched off your phone-"

Yoongi didn't wait for Jungkook's endless waterfalls of words to stop. He runs towards the exit and is surprised by the crowd that has gathered just to look at Taehyung.

" Excuse me!" Yoongi speaks as he manoeuvres his way to the parking lot.

" He's so hot!"

" Look at that face! Damn!"

" Is he taken! I'd do anything! I swear!"

" He's not real. An AI robot?"

" Is he a new lecturer? Please let him be! I'd never graduate out of this place."

Yoongi rolls his eyes as he approaches the stairs and he also stops to admire his doctor...

Kim Taehyung, in all his glory, dressed in a sky blue shirt, the three upper buttons opened and the way it perfectly fits his body, giving a teaser of his biceps and toned torso. His black Gucci pants fit him just right, emphasizing his long legs. His one hand is looking at his phone and the other holding a present bag. He is leaned against his black Tesla. His blonde fringes cover his eyes as he looks down at his phone...

As if sensing Yoongi's presence, he lifts his gaze as a wide boxy smile adorns his face.

Everyone gasps. Literally.

Yoongi smiles, though faintly, and approaches Taehyung. The more steps he takes, the more he feels so emotional.

" Hey there." Taehyung smiles as he hugs Yoongi, slightly swinging their bodies side to side."

" I didn't expect you to pick me up. Thank you." Yoongi says, inhaling Taehyung's sweet cologne as tears cloud his vision.

" Let's get out of here, yeah?" Taehyung tells him, pecking his forehead and cheek as he opens the door to his car. Yoongi doesn't waste time and gets in, quickly wiping an almost falling tear, hoping no student saw it. Taehyung closes the door and notices Jungkook and Namjoon also watching the scene. He notices the worry in Jungkook's eyes and smiles as he waves.

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