Finding out whats in the thrid floor corridor

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(Harry's POV)

Me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione were walk trying to get to the Gryffindor common room. When the stairs start to move. When it's done moving the four of us start to walk to get off before it moved again. When we went through the door and saw a dark corridor and as we went to leave a torch lights and Mrs. Norris comes in and we have to run and we end up at the end of the corridor where Henry ends up casting the spell alohamora on the looked door and all of us go in to and wait for Filch and Mrs. Norris are gone. When we turned we came face to face with a giant three headed dog that was asleep but is starting wake up. But when it saw us it just stared at us then started to growl and we all screamed and ran out and right as I got out and we tried to close the door the dog tried to get at us but the four of us were able to shut the door and lock it before anything worse could happen. When we were in the common room we started talking

Harry: What do they think they're doing?

Henry: Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school.

Neville: Did anyone else notice what it was standing on?

Hermione: I did.

Harry: So did me and Henry. What do you think it's guarding?

Henry: Well whatever it is Dumbledore obviously thinks it's a good idea to have the thing in a school full of kids. Also why was it so easy to get into that room? I mean seriously we got in there by use of a spell in a first years spell book.

Hermione: I don't know but it's obvious that Dumbledore wanted someone to be able to get in there so he didn't use a very strong locking spell.

Hey y'all sorry it took so long to get this part out I have just been pretty busy with life and just general craziness and pandemonium but I hope y'all liked the part and if you did please let me know. But I hope you have an amazing morning, noon, or night or whatever time of day it is for you and I'll see y'all in the next part bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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