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(20 minutes earlier)

Fake Poseiden moved multiple pillars to find Antonio unconscious: Finally.

Fake Zeus: Go ahead. You can have the honor of finishing him.

Fake Poseiden: Very well

As Poseiden goes to finish off Antonio, multiple beams of light fall in front of Poseiden.

Fake Poseiden: The hell.

Fate: Round 2 guys

Poseiden and Zeus turn around towards the nearby lake to see Jago and Fate.

Jago and Fate turn towards the water to see a group of Sirens.

Siren 1: This is on behalf of the snake lady favors.

Siren 2: But do be careful.

Jago: Thanks anyway... wait, what snake lady.

The Sirens goes back into water and vanish.

Fake Poseiden: I'll make sure you both perish this time.

Jago: I doubt that. We're not around the ocean anymore.

Zeus creates a lightning boit as he throws it towards Jago and Fate.

Jago and Fate attempt to block as the lightning boit head towards them.

As the lightning boit nearly reaches them, the lightning boit starts flying upwards.

Zeus eye widen in shock: How?

Jace: Am I late towards the party, guys?

Jago and Fate turn around to see Jace slowly approaching them.

Jago: Glad you're not dead. Thought Apollo had you.

Jace: Guess he couldn't hold me.

Fate: Indeed.

Fake Zeus: One extra person to die as well today. So be it.

Poseiden: Who first.

Jace: By the way, what happened to Antonio

Jago: Unsure we arrived a few minutes before you. And it seems Sebastin and Nora still nowhere to be found.

Jace: Askari left to find them after she brought me here.

Fate: I see, We'll then guess we'll hold out.

Zeus and Poseiden charge up as Fate, Jago, and Jace charge towards them.

Jago crosses his arms, creating a cross beam of fire towards Poseiden.

Poseiden swirls his trident towards a beam of water towards the fire, dissolving it.

Zeus looks upwards as Jace swings his fists towards Zeus.

Zeus feels his body gets heavier as he blocks Jace's attacks

Zeus grabs Jace by the face, electrocuting him.

Jace screams in pain as Zeus slams him on the ground.

A light barrier appears around Jace as Fate lands in front of him.

Jace: I'm... I'm okay

Fate: Good.

Zeus charges up as he shoots lightning from his hands towards Fate and Jace.

As the Lightning nearly reaches Fate and Jace, a wall of nanotech appears blocking the lightning.

Jace and Fate turn around to see Nora and Sebastin.

Jace: Good to see y'all.

Nora creates a nanosword: The snake lady came through for us.

REVELATIONALS VOLUME 2Where stories live. Discover now