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Jace slowly stands up to find himself in a foggy forest.

Jace: The hell is this place.

Jace wanders around searching for the other Revelationals.

Jace yells, trying to call out: ANTONIO!!!, MAVE!!! GUYS!!!!

Jace sits by a tree, thinking to himself: I didn't fall too far, did I.

As Jace thinks to himself, he hears a voice from behind him.

The voice says softly: I can help you.

Jace jumps up and turns towards the tree to see no one there.

Jace says in a panic tone: "Whose there.

A female appears in front of the tree wearing witch clothing with fishnets on her legs.

The lady says in a calm tone: Relax, I mean you no harm.

Jace: Who... who are you... what are you?

The lady smiles: I'm spirit. A spiritual witch who has been put on a spell that binds my soul to this forest.

Jace: How did I end up here. I was with my friends falling through the sky.

Spirt: I saw. Those others witches and sorcerers were pulling y'all here, most likely to capture and hold y'all prisoners.
I saw you falling away from them and sought to help. I pull your soul towards mine, bringing you to this forest where they wouldn't track you.

Jace: That explains things now. How do I get out of here spirit. I gotta get my friends.

Spirit: Not yet. I can sense your soul energy, and it is not even close enough to survive those witches and sorcerers. Stay here for a while. I'll help you get strong enough to save your people.

Jace asks curiously: Why?... Why do you want to help so bad.

Spirit: Because I always wanted to help people despite their kind. Plus, with you here. I may finally be able to be free from this forest.

Jace: I see. In that case. You gonna have to tell more about yourself first so I can figure out if I should trust you.

Spirit: Very well

( In a strange building)

Antonio wakes up to see to the others and himself chain up to the ceiling.

Antonio: The hell is this place.

Nora: Antonio... I'm glad to see you awake.

Mave: Try not to move too much. These chains of magic adapt to your strengths and aura, making it tougher to break free.

Antonio: I see. But where are we.

Mave: Welcome to Planet Hathsin. The planet of celestial sorcerers and witches. Fate home planet.

Antonio: Cool... wait... if Fate is from here. Why are we chained up and not greeted normally.

Mave: Fate never brings his past to many. But due to an incident, the people of Hathsin kicked him off the planet.

Nora: Funny, how most of us got sent off a planet by a terrible incident.

Antonio: For real.

Antonio looked around the room but couldn't find Fate: speaking of Fate, where is he.

Sebastin: thirty minutes ago, they dragged him out for questioning.

Jago: Fate is strong. He'll be fine.

Antonio: And where is Askari and Jace. Did they make it, or are they captured elsewhere.

Mave: Askari was never found by the celestial witches that came for us. She is most definitely out there, though. Jace, on the other hand, I can't sense his aura anymore.

Sebastin says angerly: He gotta be okay. He may have been separated from us, but I doubt he is gone. Not by a simple fall. He's probably out hiding coming up with a way to get us out.

Nora: We have no doubt Sébastien.

Antonio: Well, now back to Fate. What could they be questioning him about.

Mave: I'm curious to know.


Fate looks upwards towards a woman wearing a pink, green and gold robe and a gold tiara.

Fate: Why am I'm here. Queen Vidora.

Queen Vidora: I'll be doing the questioning child.

Fate tries to struggle to break out of the restraints around him.

Queen Vidora: Why are you back around these parts of the cosmo child, I made it clear that if you come back here again, I would kill you for the curse you're connected to.

Fate: We weren't flying here specifically. A friend of....

Queen Vidora: Friends dear, You don't make friends. Only soon to be dead people cause by the curse within.

Fate hears a voice from within: Ooh, talk about holding a grudge.

Queen Vidora grabs Fate chin: It still in there, isn't it.

Fate: Just let us go, Vidora. Me and the others can leave again.

Queen Vidora: No... I don't think I will. I'll host a gathering later this week and have your curse blood spell over the stage so everyone that witness can feel better knowing the curse is forever gone.

Fate: My friends wouldn't let it happen.

Queen Vidora: They'll have to. They are currently being help captive at the moment. But they won't be harmed as long as you cooperate.

The door opens as three ladies walk into the room.

Queen Vidora turns towards the three ladies: Lexi, thank you for bringing him those two ladies here for me.

Lexi: It was no problem, ma'am.

The two ladies look towards Queen Vidora as Lexi leaves the room.

You both been doing great by me. But I have one more important task for you both.

(Prisoner room)

Antonio: Okay, I'm thinking we just break out now.

Sebastin: Can't you just wait a moment longer? I'm sure those doors will open any minutes now.

The Revelationals looks towards the door to see it opening.

Nora: Hey, look, you were right, sebastin.

The doors open as a lady with yellow hair wearing a black cut short top and black short shorts and a white jacket enter the room.

Jago: It not Fate... HEY YOU WHERE IS FATE!!!.

The woman: Your friend won't be seeing you for a while. And I'm here to make sure you guys don't escape this room.

Sebastin laughs: Not sure how I feel about a cutie like yourself trying to watch to us.

The woman became angry and released a blast of lightning towards Sebastin side: I am not in the mood for flirts.

Mave: All we want is our friends. Once we get to them, we'll leave.

The woman sits by the wall: Good luck, I'm also here for a friend, but once I complete this job, I'll be able to see him. So til then. I'll make sure y'all are not going anywhere.

REVELATIONALS VOLUME 2Where stories live. Discover now