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(On the ship)

The Revelationals hugs Antonio

Sebastin: must have been tough for you

Fate: So that when the mythical solar angel disappeared.

Antonio: Ye... Yea.

Nora: We'll. I'm sure we're all tired. How about I cook something for us.

Mave: Sounds nice

Jago: I'll do it this time, Nora.

Nora: You sure.

Jago nodded: Yea. Y'all go relax.

Mave: Very well, I'll put the ship on auto pilot until we eat.

The Revelationals walk off to their separate rooms.

(Antonio room)

Antonio pulls out staff his holding it while sitting down: Angel probably has answers.

Nora slowly walks inside Antonio room to see Antonio sitting down facing the window.

Nora slightly touches Antonio's shoulder, causing him to jump up.

Antonio turns to see Nora behind him.

Antonio: Damn Nora, scared me.

Nora: Sorry, I forgot you can't really sense an android.

Antonio looks closely to see Nora right leg that is now made of nanotech.

Antonio asks concern: I'm sorry you lost your leg back on Greek for my sake.

Nora slightly smiled: It.. it okay, I gladly lose another if it means helping you.

Antonio slightly blushes upon hearing Nora words: You would?

Nora eye widened after realizing what she said: I mean, since we are good friends and all.

Antonio smiled: If we were still on the topic. I would gladly give something of my own to protect you as well.

Nora smiles: I appreciate the thought, well I'll be heading towards the front of the ship.

Nora walks out the door.

Antonio smiled slightly as she walked out the door: Do I feel something in my stomach.

Nora leans on Antonio room door, holding her chest: Why do I feel this way. I only feel certain emotions, and this never been one of them.

Nora walks away from Antonio door as Fate watches from a distance.

Fate: Interesting. Seems they're growing on each other.

Fate turns around to see Askari talking to Mave

Mave: I'll try it on when everyone is around.

Askari: Okay, as long as I get a picture after then.

Mave: Sure, you'll be the first for pictures.

Fate slightly smiles as he walks off.

Fate walk pass the training room to see Jace and Sebastin training in the training room.

Jace creates a gravitational field around sebastin, causing Sebastin to float.

Sebastin quickly forms a shadow sword as Jace jumps towards him.

Jace engulfed his fists with purple aura as he swung his fists towards Sebastin.

Sebastin block Jace fists as his shadow warrior appears, grabbing Jace and throwing him across the room.

REVELATIONALS VOLUME 2Where stories live. Discover now