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Liville loved getting letters from Sejanus through the years. She didn't have much to do at home besides school work growing up, so she'd light up whenever she saw a letter of his placed in her room. Her father would put the letter right on her desk. Her name would be written neatly on the top, 'Liville Wanless', and she'd save each letter in its envelope once done reading it.

Even now, each letter remained safe and put away in a drawer at her old home. Her mother promised she'd send all the letters to Liville in a box once she was married and had her own space.

Liville loved reading Sejanus's stories, his experiences, all about the Academy and of his home life. He was funny, and wholesome.

He was such a poet with his words.

One of the things Liville was sad about when she moved to the Plinth's home wasn't just that she'd be leaving her own family behind, it was that she'd be losing her pen pal. No more letters. No more hiding her emotions behind her hand as she read words that made her giggle.

She was glad to have conversation with Sejanus in person, but was still sad she lost her notes.

At least, she thought she had lost them.

The next morning at breakfast, she sat politely and listened to Mr. and Mrs. Plinth discuss an upcoming Capitol event. She paid attention politely, even though they weren't speaking directly to her.

Sejanus, across from her, reached for the salt shaker next to her. When he pulled his hand away, she saw a small square-folded paper took its place. She eyed him, curious. He just smiled like it was a joke.

Liville made sure his parents weren't looking, before slowly grabbing the paper and bringing it to her lap to unfold. A note. She squinted her eyes to read it.

'Compliment her napkins. She'll love you forever'

Liville looked at Sejanus, who was still smiling. She bit her lip, smiling now too.

"Mrs. Plinth," she spoke up during a pause in conversation. "I just have to say-I love the napkins you chose for the table."

The woman's eyes lit up. "Oh. Oh, you do? Oh, you hear that, darling? She likes the napkins. Thank you, dear. I chose these myself."

"They're very nice," Liville continued.

Mrs. Plinth began happily explaining her design process for the remainder of breakfast.

When her and Sejanus finally left the house and began their walk towards the Academy, he said, "My mom's gonna take that compliment to heart, I promise you."

Liville laughed lightly and said, "I owe you for that."

The walk from the Plinth's to the Academy wasn't long. Just a ten minute walk. Yes, they could have a driver take them the short distance, but Sejanus promised her that she'd like the view on the way there.

She did. This part of the city was decorated beautifully.

It was only her second morning here, but she already knew this was a view she'd never get tired of.

"And-The note was cute," Liville continued. "I liked it."

He shrugged. "Missed writing to you, I guess."

"Well, I missed reading the writing from you," she said back, with a small laugh. "So thanks."

She walked next to him, coming a little closer with every word. Sejanus felt quiet for a moment, his mind caught up with ideas of their future. He pictured a year from now, both of them married, holding hands as they walked this same sidewalk to get to town.

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