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tw: violence

She'd left.

Coriolanus had only gone back to the auditorium for a few minutes, made sure Lucy Gray found a new hiding spot, and then he rushed back to the hallway.

But Liville was already gone.

Coriolanus would forgive her for leaving. She was grieving, he knew she was. So he figured a few foolish decisions were bound to happen.

He'd tried calling the Plinth residence a few different times from a payphone. But none of the calls were answered.

He blamed Sejanus for it, knowing Liville was probably too fearful to answer him now, scared Sejanus would be eavesdropping somehow.

But Coriolanus would see her soon enough, he told himself. He was convinced that she'd come to her senses soon, and return to the auditorium. Most likely not until morning.

While many mentors left to go home during the night, Coriolanus stayed right where he was. He wasn't going to let Lucy Gray be killed by someone sneaking up on her. Now that he knew how loud the drones were, if anyone neared her, he could wake her by sending one. His chance at the Plinth Prize would not be shattered by a heavy sleeper.

It was night already. Coriolanus tried to keep focused on the screen, but he dozed off for a few moments during the fourth silent hour.

He was woken suddenly as a hand shook his shoulder.

He opened his eyes, and bolted awake as he registered who stood in front of him. He sat with more attention. "Dr. Gaul."

Volumnia Gaul herself leaned over his computer, a look of irritation heavy on her face. "Mr. Snow."

Her voice was chilling.

He cleared his throat of nerves. "What happened? Is it Lucy Gray?" He glanced at the screen. Had she died in the few minutes he fell asleep? Of course she would, of course the difficult girl would wait until he couldn't help her to try something stupid.

But no, Lucy Gray was still alive. She was curled up in a small room. Sleeping and clutching one of the roses she'd taken out of her hair.

Gaul's voice came back with coldness. "Unless you put a leash on your deluded classmates, she might as well be dead as far as you're concerned."

"My...classmate?" He felt panicked. "Has something happened with Liville?"

What had she done now? Had she done something stupid because of what happened to Jessup?

Had Sejanus gotten to her, and convinced her to commit some sort of act of rebellion? Had he taken advantage of her in her time of weakness and forced her into something that Gaul noticed?

"It will," the woman spoke icily. "If this isn't straightened out."

She stepped back, and showed Coriolanus the screen. It switched to the main arena. It zoomed in on where Marcus's body laid.

Sejanus was there.

Right beside the dead tribute.

In the arena.

What the fuck was he doing?

"That friend of yours snuck in the arena to scatter breadcrumbs over the rebel. Sustinece for a fallen comrade's final journey. A district 2 superstition," she scoffed. "I'll work on finding the peacekeeper he bribed to get in so that I can cut their tongue out."

Coriolanus grimaced.

"In the meantime," she spat. "I need someone to get him out. Right. Now."

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