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Excitement coursed through her veins as Sejanus escorted her to the east side of the district, where their new home would be.

Sejanus was still keeping a tight hold of his gun with both hands, cautious eyes scanning everyone they passed. Liville, overjoyed that she was being allowed to stay, paid no mind to his paranoid mood. She took hold of his arm, smiling as she let him lead her through the district.

Sejanus slowed down as he neared their destination to say, "I have to restate that it's not very nice. As I said, nothing here is. It's a house but...it's not fancy or anything."

Liville did not care about the state of it. She looked around eagerly. "Which one is it?"

He nodded ahead to a wooden house. It stuck out among the ones clustered around it. It was the only one painted.

It was green.

She's never seen a green house before. But she liked it. Green like the fields beyond the district.

Her eyes lit up. "This one?"

Sejanus pulled some keys out of his pocket, handing them to her.

The smile refused to leave her face. "I can go in?"

"It's yours."

"It's mine?" she repeated, giddy now. She let go of his arm and hurried up the porch. Oh, how she adored it having a porch.

"We should get chairs out here," she said, before even going in. She pointed to the floor of the porch. "Right there-" She pointed further down. "-and right there."

"We can look for some."

She grinned wider. She put the keys in the house and pushed it open. Her eyes lit up.

The living room was large. Far larger than she thought it'd be. It led into a kitchen.

Stepping in, Liville held her hands all the way out to say, "It's so big, Sejanus."

He still seemed nervous of her reaction. "There were no two story houses available. I'm very sorry."

"Two stories?" she said, looking over the kitchen. She waved a hand through the air. "Who needs an extra floor to clean?"

He finally broke a smile.

Gripping the kitchen counter she asked with enthusiasm, "It's really ours? All ours? Officially? Already?"

"Completely paid for. Owned by Liville Plinth-"

"Owned by Liville Plinth?" she let out a laugh.

Sejanus set down his gun, and took off his helmet. He finally seemed to relax. "It'll be quiet over here. No one owns the houses near us. Most of the neighborhood is vacant."

"Good, I'm sick of silent hours," she said. She went to the kitchen and opened the curtain to the window, letting the light in.

"Silent hours?"

"Between sunset and sunrise, when me and my sisters weren't supposed to be talking," Liville said briefly, before testing that the water at the kitchen sink got hot enough for washing dishes.

"No silent hours here. Be as loud as you want."

She laughed again, louder, more enthusiastic.

He smiled at her. "Come see the bedrooms."

She practically ran to him, holding his arm as he opened the first door.

"This one's a bit smaller," he told her. "I can take it. There's a window pointing to where the sun rises, it'll help me wake up for my morning shifts."

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