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three months later

Liville was a good girl. She didn't cause the Plinth's issues. She didn't speak out of turn.

She was polite and well behaved and always kept up with her studies.

She didn't get distracted by anything. Anything other than Sejanus.

Because Sejanus, her betrothed, was the one thing she allowed herself to be distracted by. He was the one person who she would spend hours talking to and never get bored of. She'd brush aside her schoolwork to focus on him, and she never regretted it.

In the last three months, it seemed Sejanus and school were the only things that existed in her world. She'd gotten closer to him, much closer. So much so that Liville and him had gotten past the phase of referring to one another as 'friend'.

Liville was Sejanus's girlfriend, and their classmates were all aware of it.

It had been Liville's idea to make their romance more clear. She began reaching for his hand while they walked in the hallways. She'd always speak of him with pride.

They arrived at school together, ate lunch together, left school today. It was not hard for others to tell as months and months went by, and she did not attach herself to any other person, that Sejanus was the only boy she cared to know.

She was Clemensia's class partner, but the two never spoke outside of class, not even after school. Both of them were well educated and hard workers, so neither girl distrusted that the other would finish work at home. Yes, Clemensia did try to invite her to other activities. Sometimes a few girls would meet places after class, sometimes there were group tutoring sessions, and a few times Clemensia even invited her for coffee after school. But Liville would not go, because Liville was always busy with Sejanus.

Sejanus, Sejanus, Sejanus.

Their romance wasn't suspected anymore, it was obvious and confirmed. And Liville liked it that way, because people knew to leave her alone. She was Sejanus's woman and everyone knew it.

But, despite their romantic gestures, Liville still felt somewhat behind in terms of their relationship. He cared for her, she knew this for certain, and she cared for him. School would be over soon, they'd be married in less than eight months, and sometimes it confused her as to why Sejanus did not want to advance their romance...physically.

Sejanus and her had still not shared a kiss. Not a true one.

Yes, he would kiss her forehead, the side of her face, her cheek, the back of her hand. They were all soft gestures that would make her heart flutter for him. And when she would place a kiss on his cheek, she would relish in the way he would turn red, the way he'd hold his breath until she pulled away, the way he'd surrender to her attention.

Even on their best days, the days the two of them would cuddle in the garden, or under the stars, or when she'd rest her head on his in the living room-he never made any attempt at a kiss.

Of course, she knew by now that Sejanus wouldn't attempt to have sex with her until their wedding night. It was clear that his mother disapproved of it, and Liville didn't think he'd go behind her back for such a thing.

It was so odd, their mothers seemed to get along so well, but they were so different from one another. While Sejanus's mother kept them modest around each other, Liville's mother taught her to grant any sexual request Sejanus made of her. After all, if Liville did not give him 'what a man needed', he would surely go to someone else. And if Sejanus were to get another girl pregnant because of Liville's refusal, it would mess up everything.

But Liville knew for certain that Sejanus was nothing like the awful men her mother used to describe. He was a gentleman, and Liville was sure he'd never even hint at something as lewd as sex, unless he was completely sure she was comfortable with it.

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