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Ash dragged on her suit as her phone clock hit 8 pm. She didn't have to worry about the people she lived with noticing her absence because she lived alone. Once she escaped the red room, she looked for her parents, only to find they had died in a car crash years earlier. Ash lived on a roof. It wasn't that bad, to be honest. She'd made shelter, a bed, and a lighting circuit. Technically, all you need in a house. Her webs came out of her wrists naturally instead of from a web shooter like Spiderman has. She swung around the city until her enhanced senses picked up on something. It gave her a tingling feeling, like a sixth sense, whenever she was in danger, and the closer to the danger she got, the more it tingled. She liked to call it the electra-sense. She obviously knew she sounded like a wannabe spiderman, but they had the same powers. She just had extras. Therefore, if they're the same power, they're allowed to be called similar things. 

It was a group of people whispering. Before Ash could tell what they had said, they left.

She continued to swing around, brushing off the suspicious men, but then she heard a scream. Then she smelled smoke. Shit. She thought to herself before swinging towards the burning building. A blur of red and blue smacked straight into her.

"Ow! Flying things need to watch where they're going!" She yelled as she turned to look at what hit her. Spiderman.

"OKAY HOW THE FU-" Someone cut him off before he could do any more damage to Ash's ears.

"Quiet down idiot. She has enhanced senses. She can't have you screaming down her ear. Otherwise, she'll go deaf from your high-pitched ass voice," A voice said from the inside of her suit.

"Ari! Be nice!" She lectured and turned to face Peter. "Sorry about my AI. She can be a bit rude at times. Anyways, I have to go make sure no one dies from that burning building, so bye!"

Ash started to swing towards the building, but he caught up with her, though it seemed exhausting for him.

"You're Electrachnid, right?" Ash really didn't want to talk to anyone other than the text Spidey.

She sighed. "Yes, what about it?"

"A new friend I made mentioned you and said you were her favourite vigilante, so I wanted to meet you," he explained. This made her interested. She mentioned Electrachnid to Spidey.

"SHIT! We can talk after I save people from the building."

"I'm helping!" he insisted. She smiled at his enthusiasm to help people, though no one could see.

"I do the top 10 floors. You do the bottom 10!" Ash commanded. Him helping would just make this easier for her.

She hurled herself into the building through the 11th floor window and checked the entire floor. Clear. Up the stairs to the 12th floor. Clear. Up again to the 13th floor. Clear. 14th floor. Not clear. Shit! There was a little girl, probably only about 9 years old, who had her leg trapped under fallen rubble from the ceiling. Ash ran over to the girl and used her strength to remove the rubble with little to no problems. The girl's leg was clearly broken. She scooped up the girl and walked over to the window.

"Hold on tight," Ash advised in a calming voice.

"O- Okay," the girl whispered and gripped onto her tighter as Ash swung them out of the window and safely to the ground.

Ash swung back into the building through the 15th floor window. Clear. Up to 16th. Clear. 17th floor. Clear. 18th floor. Clear. 19th floor. Clear. Finally, the 20th floor. Just as Ash concluded that the floor was clear, she heard something.

"Nononono! Web shooters don't die on me now!" Spiderman.

"Spiderman? I told you bottom 10, not the top 10. Also we need to go now." She reminded him. They did need to leave quickly. Everything around them was inches from caving in on top of them.

"I finished the bottom 10, so I checked up here for you while you were saving that girl. Also, we would be leaving if my web shooters didn't run out right now," he explained.

Ash sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before she walked over to him. "I will quite literally gouge your eyes out with a fork if you do this again. Hold on tight and don't let go." That made Peter curious. His friend Electra had used the same odd threat. Before Peter could question what she was going to do, she put an arm around his waist and flung them out of the window. Peter's grip got tighter and Ash swung them to the ground before being surrounded by reporters, no one but Peter noticing Ash was still holding him by the waist, and no one but Ash noticing that Peter was still holding her. They were both blushing messes under their masks but kept it together so they could answer the reporters questions.

"Who's the new vigilante?" A reported asked.

"The name's Electrachnid," Ash said.

"Why did you swing down together?" Another asked.

"My web shooters ran out of web fluid," Spiderman answered.

"Because he's an idiot," Ash remarked at the same time.

"Am not!" Spiderman shouted, more flustered than annoyed.

"But there's no need to worry because you have me to remind you to check your god. damn. web shooters." Ash scolded him.

"Are you two dating?" One reporter shouted from the back.

They both turned even more red than before, but Peter was still holding himself together slightly. "W- What? No. We're just friends. We only met about an hour ago anyway."

"But you're holding each other!" Someone shouted.

Ash turned to look at Peter. "I think it's time we leave now."

"Yep. Yes. Definitely."

Peter tightened his grip on Ash, and she swung them away before any more reporters could ask questions. She swung them onto her roof and sat on her bed, which was actually pretty good. A nice mattress she found in an alley and some blankets she found with it. Both were cleaned rigorously, of course. "Welcome to my humble abode! Come sit with me."

"You live on a roof?" Peter questioned worriedly. She can't be living on a roof, that's horrible.

"Yes, it's a very nice roof, actually. Lived here for about a year now, I think, but let's not get into that. Give me your number so I can remind you to check your web shooters before you patrol. "

"Oh, it's (random NYC phone number)!" he told Ash. Peter gave her his spiderman number instead of his personal one because he had his suspicions that this was actually Electra. They were just so similar. Their AI's are both called Ari, their personalities are the same, they used the same threats, and he noticed her become more interested when he mentioned Electra.

Ash pulled out her phone and typed in the number. "I will make sure you never forget to check the web fluid again."


Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now