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(A/N - Okay, this is really fucking random but do yall ever get the random urge to scream at the top of your lungs randomly or is it just me being a weird ass bitch?)

Peter and Ash woke up from their much needed sleep the next morning, deciding that it was time to go back to school. And most likely beat the shit out of Flash.

They had woken up with 30 minutes to spare, so they grabbed their clothes in a rush. Though Tony had given Peter clothes, he still insisted on stealing one of Ash's jumpers.

Ash ended up in a Navy blue long sleeved t-shirt, her signature dull green cargos, and black boots. Peter wore a plaint-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

They snuck out of the building as the Avengers slept and walked down the busy streets of New York City. They strolled towards their school, ignoring the bitter cold of the morning air.

As they entered the school gates, they ignored the stares from everyone around them and continued to talk and laughed as if no one else was there. Ash and Peter walked to their first class and sat down in their usual seats next to each other.

In the middle of class, Ash felt a ball of paper hit her head. Knowing who it was, she leaned down and uncrumpled the paper, not looking forward to whatever was on the paper.  The paper was very creased, so she flattened it out on the desk so she could read it.

' What's with the new look weirdo? Maybe you should stop trying to get the attention that you never got from your dead parents by looking like a highlighter and try and do something useful with your life for once.'

Ash frowned at the insults, but a smirk quickly flew across her face as she scrawled something down on the paper.

'Fight. Lunch, right at the front gates. Bring your goons and don't be late'

She lobbed it right at his head, and Flash picked it up with a huff. After reading what she wrote, Flash looked her in the eyes and smirked back.

Just as class was about to end, Ash felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, and she answered it in a hushed voice. "Hey Tony... Whatever damage someone told you I did to Flash, it isn't happening until lunch."

She heard Tony sigh from the other side of the phone, "Kid, you can't be in school. You were kidnapped and tortured for a week. Also, what did Flash say to organise a fight?"

Ash replied in a mock sad tone, though Tony could hear the smirk in her voice, "Oh, nothing. He just said my parents were dead, which is honestly true, called me a weirdo and a highlighter, and said that I do nothing useful in my life. But at least I get something to look forward to later."

Tony spoke with a voice of fake responsibility, "Well, hospitalize him all you want, just don't murder him. Actually, I encourage hospitalization. I'll come and watch in my limo, then I'll come and get you after you're done, just to annoy Flash even more. We got a deal?"

Ash chuckled darkly, "Oh, absolutely, we have a deal. Thanks, Tiny Stank!"

Before Tony could complain about the name, Ash hung up and walked out of class with Peter.


As lunch came around, Ash escaped class slightly early to check that everything was perfect. She had asked Peter to join her, though he politely declined and said he'd prefer to just watch her beat the life out of Flash. He also said to get in a few hard kicks for him. 

She glanced to the road and saw a limo with Tony's head poking out of the window as he gave her a thumbs up. Everything was perfect.

A minute or so after the lunch bell rung, Peter came and leaned on a wall, and Flash and his goons came soon after. Tony's limo was in perfect view of Flash, who stood in awe at the vehicle until Peter whistled loudly and pointed to Ash, who had her fists up, ready to fight.

She let Flash get the first punch in but showed no signs of pain. She pulled her fist back and swung hard, hitting him straight in the nose. He looked at her with a confused expression, blood dripping from his nose. He tried to punch her in the stomach, but she caught his fist and flipped him to the ground.

His goons were quickly terrified and ran from the scene, leaving just Ash, Peter, and Flash. He got up with a grunt, holding his ribs, when Ash immediately sent a hard kick to where his hand was, hearing his ribs crack underneath it. He fell to the ground, and Ash punched and kicked him, verbally recounting every attack he'd done to her, then she sent it back to him 10 times harder.

After she was done, Flash was a bloody pile on the floor, though he was still perfectly conscious. Ash made sure of this so he could see what happened next.

As Ash heard a whistle from behind her, she propped Flash up on the nearest wall, leaving a crumpled note with him and yelled, "Coming, Tony!"

Flash's jaw dropped as he saw Ash and Peter jump in the limo, laughing with Tony and Ash wiping the blood off her hands. She turned and yelled back to Flash out of the car window, "You have at least one broken arm, one broken leg, and 5 broken ribs! Tell 'em to put the hospital bills on Tony's card!"

Flash opened the note with shaky hands and read it. 'Karma's a bitch.' He could only let out a choked and bloody cough as Ash rolled up the car window and watched as the limo drove away.


Ash turned to Peter. "I'd say that was a pretty successful first day back, what do you think Petey?"

"I'd say it was more than successful."

Tony butted in to the conversation. "I'd say that the bitch has learnt not to deal with my intern vigilante children."

Ash looked at him with sweet eyes that were somehow still sarcastic, "Awww, you called us your children, specifically intern vigilante children! I've never been so happy to have a title in my life!"

Tony sighed, "Yeah yeah, I see you as my children even though I have only known you for like two-ish weeks or all that shit. Anyway Wanda has apparently set something up for you two when you get back or whatever."

The rest of the car ride filled with conversation until they reached the tower and Wanda grabbed them and dragged the into the room as soon as the door opened. "Go get changed. I'm sending you two on a date because I ship it and nothing is happening. "Peter and Ash stood there as red as tomatoes until Wanda spoke in a more threatening tone. "Go."

They scurried off to get changed into better clothes. Ash wore some nice wide-legged ripped jeans, a white tank top with lace on the seams, a denim jacket with a fluffy collar and some chunky black heels that went well with the jeans. Peter wore some dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt and Ash's jumper, which he had now claimed was his because he wore it so much.

Wanda squealed when she looked at them. "Come on! I'm taking you to your date!"

(A/N - I wasn't sure how I would advance the ship and thought this would be a fun way to do it. I'm going to try and publish once a day, though I tend to write more than that. I'm just going to set it to the publish later thing so I don't post the story rest of the story all at once and I'll have stuff published even if I don't write that day. Thought I should just mention that.)

Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now