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Peter trained for hours. He didn't take notice of how tired he was getting or how every so often, one of the Avengers would come in with a worried look on their face. As the hours flew by, his legs were sore from sprinting, and his knuckles were red from the punching bag, though the only thing on his mind was getting Ash back.

He looked up at the clock to see that he had been training for around 9 hours, Peter didn't care, though. He turned around to go back to the punching bag, then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Tony's worried face. "You need to rest," he told him.

Peter pulled Tony's hand off of his shoulder. "No. What I need is to get Electra back," he protested.

"I get it. You want your partner back, but you need to sleep," Tony insisted.

"But there's no time for sleep. I have to train, patrol, do homework, go to school... oh. I kinda forgot to go to school. Oh well. I already know everything anyway, and Electra's my only friend there, so what's the point? It's not like I'll die if I don't go. Am I rambling? I'm rambling again, aren't I? Sorry, Mr. Stark. Oh shoot. I also completely forgot I have an internship. That, I do need to go to. I still have two hours. Okay, I go home, get into normal people clothes and go to the internship," Peter was more mumbling to himself now. He walked out of the room, still mumbling, Tony was confused but happy that he was getting a bit of rest.

As Peter walked out of the tower, he realised something. Tony was going to ask about where Ash was. Peter couldn't think of a better excuse, so he'd just tell the truth. She was kidnapped. He eventually reached their roof and swung up, walking into the small room. He pulled off his suit and put on some of Ash's clothes. He still had none of his own. He grabbed one of her many black, long sleeved t shirts, her grey hoodie, and her favourite pair of cargo pants. He wanted to feel closer to her. They were a similar clothes size, him being one size bigger in pants and his shirt size being just three sizes bigger, so he could comfortably wear her clothes, especially since she liked baggy clothes.

Peter threw himself onto the bed and curled up in a ball. He knew that he had to find her fast, who knew what Hydra would do to her. He glanced at his phone and realised that an hour and 30 minutes had passed since he left the tower, so he now had half an hour to reach the tower.

He zipped up the hoodie and climbed down to the busy streets of New York. He knew he'd have to act even more distraught than he was because to Tony, he was a normal citizen who had no way to help.

He walked down to the tower, and the receptionist didn't question why he looked so upset. He walked into the elevator and took the elevator to Tony's lab. Peter had seen the lab before through the cameras, which he hacked when he was bored.

Tony span around as he heard the elevator doors open. "Just on time you- Jesus christ. Three questions. What happened to you? Where's Ash? And are those clothes Ash's?"

"Saw Ash get kidnapped and I couldn't save her. Ash got kidnapped. Yes. Yes they are."

Tony stared at him. "Well, that's a whole scoop of trauma right there. And that's two kidnappings in one week. Jesus christ."

"No shit sherlock." Tony stared at him blankly, so Peter spoke again, "Who else do you think helped Spiderman make his tech before he had Electra?"

Tony let out a sigh, "Sorry, kid. Also, I have my suspicions about something. Help."

"These suspicions are?" Peter prompted him to continue.

"Are Spiderman and Electrachnid dating?"

Peter went red, though Tony didn't notice. "Not yet. Spiderman wants to ask her, but he's scared to."

Tony cheered loudly, "I KNEW IT! BRUCE YOU OWE ME $20!"

Peter flinched and covered his ears at the shouting. Tony noticed and apologised to Peter. Tony told Peter to go and work on one of his own projects since he was having a stressful week, while Tony went and did his own thing. Peter thought about something he could make to make finding Ash easier. He sat there for a while until he thought of something. He could make improvements to his web formula and different kinds of web shooters.

He sat there for hours, making slight differences to the formula for each kind of web shooter. He made web grenades, nets, and all sorts of different things. He still had an hour or so, so he decided he'd make something... not so peaceful, though he would only use it if needed. A flamethrower. He was making a massively overpowered flamethrower. He made a basic flamethrower with improved range and fuel consumption, and then he added a modified web formula that was flammable.

As he sat there tinkering with the screws, Tony came up behind him. "That looks... dangerous."


"Why are you making it then?"


"Isn't he normally peaceful?"


"Then why the flamethrower, and how is it even related to his powers?"

"To save Electrachnid. And watch this."

He aimed the flamethrower towards the wall and shot flaming webs at it. "Works perfect."

"Please never try and start a war."

"I won't unless I don't get Ash back."

"That sounds like a threat to whoever is helping find her."

"It is. Anyway it's time I get going, bye!"

He walked towards the elevator and quickly walked out of the tower. He was coming back tomorrow morning with a battle plan and a flamethrower. Specifically at 4 am. Just to be annoying.

Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now