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They burst through the doors into the massive, high-ceilinged room. She looked around the room before ripping off her mask and turning to Peter. "Any guesses on how to activate the wings?"

"Maybe throw yourself off the ceiling? I'll catch you if it doesn't work." She nodded and webbed onto the ceiling. It was about 15ft tall, so a pretty good height. She let herself drop and waited for the wings to come but they didn't, so she shouted, "PETER IT'S NOT WORKING!"

Peter quickly vaulted off the wall and caught her. "Okay. New plan. Maybe you should just think about it and focus really hard?"

Ash looked at him. "You couldn't have thought of that before I threw myself off the ceiling?" Peter put on a smug smile and shook his head, so Ash jumped down from his arms and stood still with her shoulders relaxed and eyes closed. "Shush while I focus please."

Peter frowned but complied as Ash started to take deep breaths and blocked out all of her thoughts, other than the wings. She thought long and hard about the wings.

Ash tried to imagine them just as she saw them before: large, elegant forms of crackling electricity. She focused on the wings more than she'd focused on anything in her life, like her life depended on it.

A small smile spread across her face as she felt her power travelling towards her back. When she felt she had waited long enough, she opened her eyes to see the wings idly floating on her back. "I did it Peter! I did it!"

Her smile fell as the wings crackled into nothingness on her back. "I suppose I need a bit more practice though."

Peter chuckled at her comment and smiled, "Hey, you figured it out in less than a day, it took me ages to figure out anything about my powers! That's pretty impressive!"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." She turned around and focused again. She took more deep breaths and only thought about the wings. Even though she felt them, she kept her breathing at a constant rate, just to be sure.

She turned to face them and grinned as they were fluttering on her back, just like before. They faded away quickly, though it seemed to take slightly longer than before.

She repeated this process for around an hour, though at some point Peter quickly left and returned with a hot chocolate in his hands. He drank from it as he watched Ash get more successful with the wings.


(Time rewind brought to you by the author having no life.)

The Avengers, who were all sat in the lounge, watched as the two ran into the training room together. They all smiled at the sight, except Loki, who seemed to not care. Tony narrowed his eyes at Loki suspiciously. He definitely did not like Loki around Ash and Peter.

Loki sat shifting his position in the seat for a while, until he asked the Avengers something, "Does this tower have a library? I am incredibly bored."

Tony answered him, definitely not trusting him. "Yeah, 42nd floor."

Loki got up wordlessly and strode towards the elevator. The doors shut behind him and Tony went back to fiddling with something on his phone. The rest of the Avengers wondered what he could be doing, but ignored it.

Around 30 minutes had passed and they saw Peter come in and make himself a hot chocolate then leave immediately after. They all mostly ignored it and focused on their own stuff, until another few minutes Wanda stood up and yelled, "We've forgotten to make food!"

Tony shrugged it off and dialled a number into his phone. "We'll just order take out."

It rung for a few times before the worker picked up. Tony ordered their food and told the others that it would be there in about 30 minutes.

Tony went back to what he was doing on his phone, which Clint quickly found out was spying on Loki. He gasped dramatically and looked at Tony. "Tony! You're a stalker!"

"I am not stalking him." Tony gave him a look that said 'shut up or I'll punch you'.

"Yes you are. You are watching Loki through the cameras. That's real stalker behaviour right there!" Clint smirked mischievously and Tony huffed in annoyance.

Tony frowned "Clint, someone needs to make sure he doesn't try to-"

"TONY'S A STALKER! TONY'S A STALKER!" Clint did an evil cackle, but stopped as Nat glared at him.

They all went back to doing their own things for 30-ish seconds, then the food came. Tony grabbed it all and then he went to get Ash and Peter.

As he silently stepped into the room he found Ash stood in the middle of the room, seemingly doing nothing, and Peter watching her, sipping from his hot chocolate. Tony opened his mouth to speak, but he noticed wings of electricity starting to crackle on Ash's back. They started to flutter, then Ash opened her eyes and put some more power into it. She started to lift off of the ground, but then fell back to her feet with a quiet thump.

"Spider, Bird spider! Food's here!"

Ash snorted at her new nickname, "Bird spider!?"

"Well, you have wings now, so why not?" Tony walked out of the room and the teens followed him.

As they reached the dining room, their jaws dropped at the amazing food. Tony turned to them with a grin. "Dig in!"

Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now