Stone table

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A/N: Thank you to the votes, lovlies! And, for those who don't know, you vote by clicking the star. And, I would really like to know yall's thoughs, so feel free to comment<3

My dream keeps getting interrupted this night. There is a voice that keeps appearing. It sounds dreamy, as if it's just out of reach.

"I'm right here. Just keep going." It calls out. There's a white flash. Then I am alone, following a trail. I walk around a rock, it is as if my surroundings change. I had been surrounded by green grass, flowers and birdsong. Now there's snow and cold. My shirt no longer felt as comfortable as a moment ago, and I start hugging myself as I walk. My eyes never wander, and I feel as if I can't stop moving. I blink and a woman appears, right in front of me. Quickly stumbling backwards, I am about to apologise, until I recognise the cold woman in front of me.

I get woken up by Lucy whispering my name. I jolt forward and sit up straight. My breath is heavy, and I place a hand on myself. I look around, and she is gone.

"You alright?" Lucy whispers, and I look over at her.

"Just a weird dream." I breath, still tense. I hear a twig snap, and the both of us turn to see what it is. There is a small hill in the direction, which we can't see over. Lucy gets up and starts walking off. I grab my sword and hang it on my belt, and quickly follow after her. I grab for her hand, and she looks at me. I place a finger over my mouth, telling her to be quiet. She nods.

We quietly run up the hill, towards where the sound came from. We turn the rock, and Lucy walks over to a tree. I follow behind her. She stops for a moment and I start looking around. The trail we're following looks like the place from my dream, only without the snow.

I walk beside Lucy as we make another turn. We hear a growl, I freeze, but Lucy seems exited.

"Aslan?" She asks out to the air. I still have a tight grip on her hand as somebody comes up behind us yank us down behind a tuft. I choke on thin air, and as I look up I see Peters face.

"Shh." He mutter, and I roll my eyes. I look up from the tuft, and I see a minotaur walking past. He looks like he's patrolling, and Peter looks over as well. Peter pats my shoulder, and he nods towards the trail. Peter and I come out from the tuft, Lucy stays behind. I take my sword out of it's cover, and I have a tight grip on the handle. I follow close behind Peter, and I feel my body tensing up, before the adrenaline rush hits me. The same way it used to.

We get closer to the minotaur, and Peter draws his sword. We creep closer as the creature has his back towards us. Another figure comes rushing at us and I turn my sword towards the shadow. Peter does as well, and the man yells out as he attacks Peter. Naturally, Peter blocks and counters with an attack. The guarding minotaur turns, and comes towards us as well. He grunts loudly as his eyes set on me. I have my sword pointed out, and block his hit. A minotaur is stronger than any human human, and I stumble slightly backwards before redeeming my balance. There is quite a size difference, and the minotaur is just slightly stronger than me. I silently pray to Aslan that Edmund and the others can hear us. I keep getting forced backwards. The minotaur takes a swing at me and nocks my sword out of my hands. I fall to the ground. He stands over me, and I scramble to say something to buy myself just a moment longer time.

"Why's a Narnian like you working with the Telmarines?" I ask, and I stare up at him. My hand clutches around a stone, but the minotaur doesn't swing at me.

"Telmarines?" He grumbles, almost a growl. I nod, and my glare grows more stern. "We're not the Telmarines. You are!" The minotaur accuses, now it's my turn to be confused. The minotaur looks down at me, and he lowers his sword slightly.

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