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Dorothea sat with her head in her hands as Professor Moody drawled about resisting the imperius curse for the second week of teaching in a row. Elvira was next to her, whispering about Viktor Krum, about Leila and Adrian sitting together at breakfast, about how pretty Camille is, about Cedric saying he wanted to enter the tournament. The professor stared at the table a few times, looking more irritated each time, but said nothing. Even Elvira, who was usually oblivious, seemed intent on seeing how far she could push the man.

"Think he's scared of you or something?" She whispered.

Dorothea laughed into her hand and shook her head, noticing Fred and George Weasley glaring at the two girls, the pair had already been given a detention for too much talking.

"Maybe Dumbledore warned him to be nice to her since he murdered her uncle," George said under his breath.

"Her death eater uncle," Fred replied, shushing Elvira from across the room, only being met by a middle finger from her.

"We'll be staying on the imperius curse for the next week," Moody said, glaring at where Fred and George were talking. "Then we'll be working on the cursed barrier spell, can anyone tell me about it?"

Fred's hand shot up, "my brother made it," he grinned, puffing out his chest.

Dorothea rolled her eyes and put her hand up, "It was initially used to form a barrier to prevent anyone without a dark mark from passing through it. However it was modified-"

"By Bill Weasley!" George called out.

"Modified to block anyone with a dark mark passing through," Dorothea continued, ignoring the Weasley boy.

"Much to your annoyance," Fred muttered under his breath.

"What's that, Weasley?" Moody called out, grimacing.

"Nothing," he replied.

"Ten points from Gryffindor," the wizard spat.

There were angry mutters from Gryffindors around the room and Elvira and Dorothea stared at each other in utter confusion. Even Professor Snape did not like Dorothea this much, and he was a friend of her family.

"You need to write to your mum and ask about this man," Elvira whispered to her friend.

"Why is it so unbelievable that he likes me?" She joked back.

"Because you're Dorothea Rosier, and he's Dumbledore's mate."

"So," the teacher boomed, "I want 3 pages on barrier spells in preparation. But, back to the imperius..."

The class dragged on with Professor Moody complaining that he wasn't allowed to directly teach resisting the imperius curse, when it finally ended everyone was even more convinced that he was mental.

Fred and George walked behind Dorothea, catching up to Elvira as the blonde witch headed to a different class.

"Has she imperio-d him into liking her or something?" Fred muttered to the Slytherin witch as she walked in between the twins.

Elvira rolled her eyes, as much as she liked the Weasley twins, their hatred of all other Slytherins was tiresome, and sometimes she was fairly sure that they only spoke to her because of her friendship with Cedric.

"You're tiresome, Fred," was all she said.

"I'm just saying, he should hate her-"

"I know she's a Rosier but that doesn't mean he should hate her."

"Well-" Fred started, being cut off by a harsh glare from George who quickly changed the subject. Neither twin were sure if Elvira knew as much as she ought about Dorothea Rosier's family, the pair had been friends for six years, so they thought she must, but if Cedric was right about her being a muggleborn, they felt she probably didn't need to be told.

DOROTHEA {fred weasley}Where stories live. Discover now