twenty two

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Elvira had written to Dorothea to say she'd be travelling back to Hogwarts from home so Dorothea waited for the train back to school alone, standing as far away as possible from Barnaby Nott and his sons, knowing the man would undoubtedly be full of excuses for her mother's absence. Dorothea noticed Ezra craning his neck, eyes darting around the platform looking for her. After a couple of weeks of being alone, she did crave company, but not from him. She smiled at Lilith and Leila, watching as they kissed their mothers, trying not to feel bitter at the repetitive parental love around her. The Weasleys arriving onto the platform was the worst of all, all laughing, as usual, both parents in attendance.

Her mother hated the Weasleys, they had attended Hogwarts together, they in Gryffindor, Clementine in Slytherin, Dorothea was sure that the hatred spanned back that far, just as it continued to manifest in their children. She observed the parents fussing over their children, harsh words being spoken to the twins. Molly Weasley couldn't be more opposite to Clementine Rosier. Where Clementine was tall, attractive, and dark, Molly was short and light. Clementine wouldn't be seen dead in the rags Molly wore, and truthfully neither would Dorothea. The blonde witch kept her eyes on Molly, watching the woman through narrowed eyes.

"Is that the Rosier girl?" Molly muttered to Fred as she hugged him. Fred glanced across the platform to see Dorothea staring at the family, he nodded down at his mum. "The one George-"

"No, that's Dorothea."

"Thought so, looks just like Clementine," she said through clenched teeth, shaking her head. "Mother of the year."


"Probably seen Clementine Rosier on this platform twice in all the years her daughter has still been at school," Molly scoffed.

Fred thought about that and realised that he too had never noticed her. In fact, he had only caught a glimpse of the infamous witch a few times. He didn't think she and Dorothea looked alike at all.

"Gotta go," he said, pulling his mum in for one last hug and raising a hand to where Lee was waving at him with Angelina.

"You stay away from that girl," Molly said, meeting Dorothea's eye and shuddering a little. "Just like her mother. And tell George-"

"I know, I know," he replied cheerily, lifting Ginny's trunk and ushering her onto the train before turning to find his brother and housemates. He hesitated when he walked past Dorothea Rosier sat alone in a carriage, flicking through a book, her face visibly falling at the sight of Fred Weasley.

He leant into the carriage, holding the doorframe with one hand,"Rosier, if you could refrain from staring my mother down on the platform at summer, I'd really appreciate it."

Dorothea raised an eyebrow, not bothering to deny it, "I had no idea I was so terrifying."

"You're unsettling, Rosier," he said, still hovering.

"So is your clownish family."

"Didn't see Clementine," Fred snapped, straightening up a little.

"Me either," she replied brightly.

"Heart bleeds."

Dorothea's mood only lifted when she noticed Elvira already waiting for her in the great hall, laughing with Camille and Manon, ignoring Marcus on her right trying to speak to her. Only paying him any attention with her elbow as she made him move up for Dorothea. As soon as she sat down, she let Elvira hug her and kiss her on the cheek, embracing Camille and Manon afterwards.

"Nice Easter?" Vira asked.

Dorothea shrugged and Elvira gave a sympathetic look, Dorothea smiled at her friend and looked to her cousin.

DOROTHEA {fred weasley}Where stories live. Discover now