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Elvira saw Cedric for the first time in a week in the library, she hovered awkwardly around the corner, wondering if he would mind if she sat with him. When he saw her dithering, he rolled his eyes and beckoned her over.

"Not gonna start being weird with me, are you, Jones?"

The witch sighed in relief, "sorry. And sorry that I've not seen you at all, I've been so busy, my parents are going mad at me for staying at Hogwarts over Christmas, they're so annoying..." She slowed as she noticed the wizard grinning at her, "sorry, how are you? You were amazing in the first task, my heart was in my mouth, I thought I'd see you at the party?"

"Nah, was shattered after that bloody dragon," he laughed. "And don't worry, I've been busy too. How was the party?"

"Fun!" She nodded eagerly, opening her mouth to speak but stopping as she noticed a girl hovering behind her table. Cedric noticed her staring and Elvira saw his jaw clench, he nodded to the girl and she sat down, smiling politely at Elvira.

"Hi," Elvira smiled, breaking the silence. "I'm Elvira."

The witch giggled a little, "I know that... Sorry... I'm Cho."

"Oh!" Elvira nodded, placing her face to the name. "You're a year below us, right?"

"Yeah," Cho nodded, turning to Cedric and asking quietly, "sorry, I'm a bit early..."

"Oh!" Elvira exclaimed, hurrying all her things together, "sorry, I can go..."

"No!" Cho said, "I want to know Ced's friends."

Elvira nodded awkwardly as Cedric just stared at the table. "I didn't know you two were friends..."

Cho blushed a little and leant forwards, whispering to Elvira, "he's asked me to the ball!"

"Wow! Nice, good for you guys. It'll be so fun."

"I'm so excited," Cho gushed, "who are you going with?"

"Marcus Flint," Elvira replied, meeting Cedric's eye.


Elvira interally groaned and glanced around the room, her eyes lingering on where Fred and Oliver sat together.

"Oh! I was meeting Fred, nice to meet you properly, Cho. See you soon, Ced."

Fred and Oliver were smirking at the dark haired witch as she made her way over to their table, Fred had his hand over his mouth, his shoulder's shaking with laughter, and Oliver was staring at his lap, snickering slightly.

"Was that awkward, Vi?" Fred grinned.

"Well, he doesn't seem as upset as you made out!" She exclaimed.

"The man moves on fast," Oliver said.

"And who can blame him, Chang is, a beauty."

Oliver nodded sarcastically, pointing at Fred, "and, she's an excellent quidditch player."

"Fuck off, both of you," Elvira grumbled. "Good to see you're not in a foul mood anymore, after your altercation with Dorothea."

"Don't really remember it," Fred said sweetly.

"Whatever you said really pissed her off."

"Oh, good."

"I overheard her telling Ezra you called her a death eater," Elvira said sharply.

Fred paused, "I didn't."

"That's what she-"

"I may have implied... I was drunk."

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