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Dorothea, Leila, and Elvira sprinted through empty hallways, each shouting at the other, blaming anyone but themselves for waking up late for their first DADA lesson. The three breathlessly ran into the classroom, Leila dropping herself into a seat next to Adrian, and Elvira and Dorothea sitting at the last empty desk in front of the Weasley twins. Alastor Moody had his back to the classroom, and was writing hastily on the blackboard. Elvira breathed a sigh of relief at the back of his head, before Fred Weasley leant forwards and pushed his head between the girls, 

"Good job he's got eyes in the back of his head, eh ladies?"

The professor spun around and glared at the Weasley boy, Elvira elbowed him back muttering, "shut up, Fred."

Dorothea waited until the teacher had turned around and leant into her friend, whispering, "it's nauseating that you can tell them apart."

There were a few snickers from behind them and Dorothea felt parchment hit the back of her head, the witch turned around furiously and one of them leant forwards.

"I'm the better looking one, that's the tell, Rosier," he winked. The witch rolled her eyes and turned back forwards, Elvira leaning in and whispering, "that was George."

"Salazar, you're obsessed."

"Miss Rosier," the professor shouted. "If you're intent on showing up fifteen minutes late, and then endlessly speaking, perhaps I'll draw on you for my first question."

Dorothea glanced at the board and saw three words. The Imperius Curse. She bit the inside of her cheek and glared at the professor.

"Know anything about it?"

Fred Weasley snorted from behind her and muttered, "you think?"

Dorothea clenched her jaw and ignored the boy, setting her hard gaze back on Moody, "I know nothing."

"Just like your mother," Fred said under his breath.

The witch sighed and leant back into her chair, refusing to engage. These were comments she was used to.

"Mr Weasley, you're also intent on causing trouble, the imperius curse? Should be fourth year knowledge."

"Whoever is the receiver is under the caster's control," Fred said, sounding bored.

"Imagine your father's dealt a lot with that," the professor nodded, humming to himself. "So, the problem for us aurors, was, all them death eaters claimed You Know Who put them under it. And indeed, some he did put under it, particularly powerful wizards he wanted on his side."

Dorothea felt a kick on her chair and she turned around once again to glare at one of the Weasleys, "fuck off."

Fred leant forwards, "did mummy imperio you to say you know nothing about it?"

"Detention, Mr Weasley," the professor said, glaring at the boy who had a bewildered expression on his face.

The witch ignored his mutters behind her and turned back to the professor explaining resisting the imperius curse, and how that would be their initial primary focus, to learn and study how to. Dorothea wasn't surprised that the professor had chosen to pick on her. The witch had heard about Alastor Moody from her mother, she'd seen the portrait of her uncle's face twist with fury at the very mention of the man. Professor Moody had killed the great Evan Rosier, her mother's beloved brother, the uncle she had never known, but had been raised to respect and worship. She often thought about Evan, and wondered if Alastor saw him in her, if her mother did.

Fred and George both glared at the back of Dorothea's head, their father had told them many stories about Clementine Rosier. Arthur hated her as much as he did Lucius, he said she was just as bad. There were eyewitnesses of her murdering, but she claimed to be under the imperius. And back then, they wouldn't crucio the women. 

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