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When Dorothea returned, Ezra put an arm around her and whispered into her hair, "you alright?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow," she muttered back.

"What did he say?" He asked, his eyes finding Adrian Pucey. "Vira said he wanted to talk to you."

"Just that I can do better than you," she said, slightly teasingly.

"That it?"

"Aren't you annoyed?"

"Pucey has been obsessed with you from the minute we stepped foot in Hogwarts. Same way he tries to please Malfoy, same way he follows me around. He was raised to worship us."

"Poor Lei."

Ezra shrugged and leant onto a table, "he'll marry her."

"Why do you say that?"

"We'll marry," he said, gesturing between the two of them with his bottle. "There are talks for Priscilla and Felix, Leo will never marry any woman," he said, smirking a little. "The Bulstrodes have somehow already found a match for Lilith, so there's only Leila left, and the Davies will be keen to have her married."

"Had no idea you were so certain about us, Nott," Dorothea said, moving so she stood in between his legs a little, he grinned and put a hand on her waist pulling her towards him.

Ezra leant in, and Dorothea decided that she'd let him kiss her, it was nothing that hadn't happened before, but this time she wouldn't let it go any further than an innocent kiss at the ball, she was sure Adrian was watching anyway, and what surer way to force him to back off. But just as her hand went to Ezra's shoulder, he pulled away.

"Vira's crying," he said softly.

Dorothea turned around and indeed saw her friend sat alone, and then saw Cedric approaching her. She turned back to Ezra.

"Thank you," she said gratefully.

He let go of her waist and smiled and nodded, "is it because she's not with Diggory? None of us would have cared, you know, if she went with him. I mean, maybe Flint would have had some things to say, and Pucey's a miserable bastard about just about everything. But really, none of us would have minded."

"We just thought it would be nice for all of us to be together," she lied. "But yeah, I suppose she probably does like Diggory."

"Make sure she's okay," Ezra said, squeezing her hand and nodding to where Elvira and Cedric were leaving the crowded hall, pushing through dancers.

"Thanks," she smiled, leaning forwards and kissing him on the cheek."See you in a bit."

She was stopped just as she left the room by a very drunk Camille Rosier, her cousin threw her arms around her and kissed her on the cheek, still gripping onto George Weasley's hand. 

"Thea, you're beautiful," Camille exclaimed. "Hogwarts looks beautiful," she said, waving her hands around. "Saw you with Ezra, just. Good going. Mum always bangs on about what a great family they are."

"What does she say about the Weasleys?" Fred asked, appearing at his very drunk brother's side.

"You've never been mentioned, actually," Camille replied innocently.

Dorothea snorted and Fred looked at his brother and said "I wonder why!"

"Having fun with the Gryffindors?" Dorothea asked.

"Oh, yes," she leant forwards and tried to whisper in only Dorothea's ear, "have never encountered so many mudb-"

"Right," the blonde witch interrupted, glancing anxiously between the twins.

DOROTHEA {fred weasley}Where stories live. Discover now