thirty two

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The Burrow was exactly what Elvira expected from the Weasleys. 

When George had first written to invite her, she had been hesitant, mainly on account of her being a Slytherin going into a house of historic Gryffindors. And also on account of her being Dorothea Rosier's best friend, and Fred and George had never shied away from telling her about their parents' hatred for the girl and her mother.

Mr and Mrs Weasley however welcomed her with open arms the night before Cedric Diggory's funeral. The mood of the house was low, but the Weasley parents included the girl, with Arthur entertaining her with an endless stream of questions about her muggle parents. After a while the three excused themselves from the heaviness of the house, leaving Ron and Hermione to anxiously talk about Harry, and Ginny to sit and eavesdrop.

"Ollie will be here soon," Fred said, as the three sat outside on the edge of the garden.

Elvira nodded, "I didn't know he was staying tonight."

Fred nodded, "reckon the entirety of Hogwarts is going to be there tomorrow."

"Yeah..." Elvira said, speaking slowly, "on that note...don't be annoyed at me..."

"Why?" George asked.

"Thea's coming."

Neither of the twins reacted as Vira had expected them to, George said nothing and just shrugged. 

Fred nodded, "good of her, thought you might have invited her."

Elvira smiled at the boys gratefully, enjoying how they seemed to be slowly coming around to Dorothea. When the whoosh of an apparition was heard, Elvira was the first on her feet, discarding her cigarette and running to Oliver Wood who dropped his bag and threw an arm around her.

Fred and George smiled as they watched the pair, with George eventually looking to Fred and saying, "what do you think about Dorothea coming?"

"It's Dorothea, not Clementine," was all that Fred responded, standing up to hug his friend.

"I know," George replied, mimicking his brother's actions, not able to shake the feeling of uncomfortableness that the daughter of the woman who murdered Cedric would be present at his funeral.

Cedric's funeral certainly did feel like the majority of Hogwarts, and indeed it's staff, were in attendance. The Weasleys went together, with Molly and Arthur supporting Amos as soon as they arrived, and Harry leaving Ron, Ginny and Hermione to find Cho. 

Elvira stood anxiously with Oliver watching Fred and George talk to Amos, scanning the crowds of people every few minutes for Dorothea. 

When the blonde witch entered the Diggory household, several eyes rested on her and the room seemed to get a little quieter. She heard Rosier being whispered a few times. Leila and Adrian had been running late, so the witch had decided to come alone. For Elvira, she reminded herself, standing straight and staring down anyone who's eyes lingered on her for too long.

The twins and Lee noticed her before Elvira and Oliver did, all three stared at her for a while, thinking how comfortable she looked in a room full of people who probably hated her. Lee looked away from her first, glancing around the room and noticing everyone else's eyes fixed on her.

"Is everyone staring because she's fit, or because they know she's a Rosier?" Lee wondered out loud.

George laughed, "shut up."

"Fucking hell," Fred muttered, not being able to stand the awkwardness of her being stood alone anymore. "Is no one going to speak to her?"

"No one but Vira knows her," Lee replied.

DOROTHEA {fred weasley}Where stories live. Discover now