twenty one

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Dorothea and Elvira stepped off the train together, as they always did, and the blonde witch was surprised to see Clementine Rosier stood, with her arms crossed and lips pursed, next to Lucius Malfoy. Dorothea watched her mother, her eyes darting around, sneering as the Weasleys stepped off the train, and smiling and nodding at Lilith Bulstrode and Priscilla Parkinson, her face falling when she spotted her daughter with Elvira Jones. 

"You'd better go, Vi," Dorothea sighed, pulling her friend into a hug and whispering, "have fun with Wood."

"What's the matter, dad?" Fred Weasley asked cheerily as his dad's smile had faltered and his gaze was set on someone. 

"Nothing," Arthur replied, snapping back into a smile and helping Ginny with her bags.

Fred followed his gaze to Dorothea and Clementine Rosier, the woman had a stiff arm over her daughter's shoulder and was whispering something in her ear, only truly smiling when Ezra Nott approached the pair. The twins watched the witch embrace Ezra and both wore an amused expression as Dorothea rolled her eyes behind his back, a seemingly false smile instantly appearing on her face as Barnaby Nott appeared beside her, bowing her head a little to him.

"Future auntie, Georgie," Fred whispered to his brother, chuckling when he elbowed him in the ribs.

At the Burrow, spirits were high, Mrs Weasley had prepared tonnes of food and everyone was laughing and chatting as they sat down to eat, enjoying having Charlie back with them for a few weeks. 

"Can't believe you got the Horntail, Harry," he grinned down at the younger boy, "bloody ruthless."

"Ah, Harry showed that dragon who's boss, isn't that right?" George grinned, leaning across the table and ruffling Harry's hair.

"Well, I heard you two taking bets against Harry," Hermione said stiffly, ignoring the groan from the twins as they hesitantly looked to their mother before glaring at the younger witch.

"Bets?" Molly cried. "You're gambling?"

"Not us, mum, other people!" Fred exclaimed.

"Yeah, we're just taking their money!" George said seriously.

"We need the money to open our shop somehow!"

"You are not opening that shop, boys," Mrs Weasley said, rubbing her temples, closing her eyes, clearly tired of the much brought up topic.

"When we have the money, you can't stop us," George said, grinning mischievously.

"How are you going to get that much money," Ron laughed, shaking his head. "There's no bloody way."

"We'll find a way," George nodded, not missing the pleased look Arthur was giving him.

"Even if it means selling puking pastilles to every single student in Hogwarts, Granger," Fred said, grinning at the witch who he knew was very disapproving of the sweets.

The younger witch rolled her eyes and Molly had a similar expression on her face, when she went to speak Ron cried out, in an attempt to prevent further nagging,"George has a girlfriend!" 

Mrs Weasley's face instantly softened and Arthur was beaming, Fred rested his head on his knuckle, biting back a grin, looking forward to what would unfold.

"You're a little git," George hissed, kicking his younger brother under the table.

"Oh, George, why didn't you bring her here?" Molly cooed, too happy to scold his language

DOROTHEA {fred weasley}Where stories live. Discover now