[9] Senioritis

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*Disclaimer* Senior year is going to be zoomed by, but don't worry college won't disappoint 😍

Ash's POV
Good Morning... I guess. Am I excited to go to school? Oh for sure! But I'm even MORE excited to get the hell outta here. I get my schedule first day of school as usual, but this year I don't really have classes with my friends. I'll still see them in theatre though. I'm just trying to get my diploma and get out. College applications are actually a lot easier than people say. I mean deadlines are stressful and of course the essays have to be pretty good but other than that I didn't really have too much trouble applying. Once I saw how much out of state tuition was I knew I was staying, but far enough for my parents to have to plan to come see me. So the schools that I applied to were at least 3 hours away, with Kinesiology or health science programs. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but if I do my prerequisites I can go to Med school or PT school if I want to.
Anyways, senior year. I'm looking forward to prom but hoco comes first. Let's recap.

As far as niggas go, I just can't take em serious. But I didn't want to go to Hoco alone for 4 years in a row... baby that's embarrassing. Long story short, someone I was talking to lied bout who they were ( and their age 🤢) so that was dead and the person I kinda sorta went to hoco with... well that's gang I suppose. It's a mess really😭  November comes along throwing tempos off with people ready for break after break but school bein extra with test after test after project after busy work UGHHHH. I reconnected my friend Omar who went to another high school but we go to the same instagram so we got close pretty fast. We had the same sense of humor and we're lowkey the same person except I'm funnier and look better.

What does this have to do with anything? Oh everything. The problem with being funny is it's easy to flirt and make niggas laugh. Problem with us being the same person is that this went both ways. I wasn't tripping bout it because we laughed it off easily and carried on with our days. Until we were face to face. Now listen, contrary to popular belief baby Omar is baaaaad😩. Like if there was a way to someone had a sleeper build but converted to pretty boy terminology it's him. His eyes and his smile do it for me everytimeeeeee. As a senior I had off periods so I'd get out of school early and had time before coming home or going to rehearse. One day during finals week, I decided to go and meet up with Omar to get something to eat. I got out before he did so I drove up to his school, picked him up, got something to eat and drove back to the school. We ate and talked and laughed in the parking lot for at least an hour and a half. While he was laughing I looked at him and said "you're really pretty you know that?"

He paused, put down the fry he was holding and leaned back in the passenger seat. "Am I now?" He responded with a smirk pulling at his full lips.

I hesitated but baby one thing bout me imma stand on what I say so I reply "Well yes." with a shrug.
"Well I think" he said sitting up now and moving closer to me "you're quite gorgeous innit" he finished with a horrendous British accent.
I giggled and sipped my lemonade looking out the window " you're stupid"

"Oh? But I'm serious" he said never dropping his gaze.

I cut my eyes at him suddenly frozen and nervous. I'm not sure if he heard me gulp but I was finna tweak out .

"See now the question is allat stuff you were saying on IG was that serious?" He said turning me towards him cocking a brow. His body was leaned over the console by now. I bit the inside of my cheek as his eyes flickered down to my lips and back up. "You won't" he dared.

"Nigga who won't??" I said shifting backwards but also shocked at what had just escaped my lips.
"You won't" he said gently pulling me back forward till our faces were inches apart. Rain started to fall softly and he said "come get it" with a tiny smile. Next thing I knew, we were making out as raindrops pelted the roof of my car. I pulled away and just looked at him. He sat back at his seat smiling with those gorgeous teeth and it took everything in me to behave myself. I picked up my phone to avoid Omar's eye contact I could feel burning into me, but he wasn't having any of that. Sitting up, he took the phone out of my hands turned off and sat it in his lap.
"Oh my dayssss why are you like this??" I said giggling and looking anywhere but at him.
"Well I don't know why you thought you were gonna get on that phone when I'm right here with you" he said sitting back smiling. I began reaching for my phone and he grabbed my hand raising a brow. HIS phone rang and he answered not letting go of me. "Hello? Yea I gotchu... bet gimme five mins I'll be there" he spoke while playing with my hand, entwining his fingers with mine " relax. Bye nigga" he hung up looking at our hands and rubbing his thumb against my hand.
"You gotta go huh?" I asked not really wanting him to go yet. He paused thinking but didn't answer me. Instead he pulled me in with the hand he was holding and used the other to hold my face. Baby if black people could blush???? His eyes dropped and returned to hold my gaze. I leaned in and we kissed until his phone buzzed again causing him to pull away smacking his teeth. "Ight lemme go fore I get dealt with" he said grabbing his stuff. "Ight bye nigga" I said casually. "You can't even say nothing sweet after??" He responded halfway out the car door.
"Byeeee Omar" I said sweetly in a mocking tone and giggling. He shook his head and closed my door before getting into his own car. I looked down at the time, rehearsals start in 5 mins. Aw hell... I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and made my way back to school trying to process what just happened. 

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