Chapter 2

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Hello minions!

Here is the second chapter of our story

Enjoy reading......


"Good Morning sir, Today you have two meetings to attend and lunch with Techvista CEO, Mr. Deshmukh." said Viaan's assistant to which he just nodded and entered his cabin. Viaan's day was as usual he continued with the meetings and now waiting to meet Ruhaan, who is his best friend as well a business partner.

On the other side, ruhaan after dropping his sister home was working on a project when his assistant informed him about the lunch plan with viaan. He collected his things and by the time he reach viaan was waiting. They discussed few things on upcoming project and had their lunch with little bit of talking. After few minutes of silence Viaan questioned ruhaan, "Is ishitha back?" "yeah, in the morning" replied ruhaan and continued "when are you gonna tell her?" "soon" came his reply. They both hugged each other and went to their respective works.

Ruhaan is aware about the feelings viaan have for his sister and vice versa. Viaan being his childhood friend and ishitha's brother he clearly explained about his intentions towards ishitha. Ruhaan being a protective brother asked him to back off but ruhaan's way of approach made him think otherwise.....


five years back....

Ruhaan - 24 years 
Viaan - 24 years                                               Ishitha - 22 years

Both Viaan and ruhaan were sitting in Viaan's office, as viaan called him and  informed he needs to discuss something important.

Viaan decided to break the silence, "So ruhaan, directly coming to the point I love ishitha." Ruhaan who was playing with the paper weight suddenly dropped them on the floor and looked at him bewildered. "No, she is like a sister to you." he replied which gave a mini heart attack to viaan. Seeing him serious viaan started to explain " I didn't confess her yet, and i am not gonna do any time soon until her she is successful in her carrier. But i don't want to hide this feelings anymore and you being my best friend I shared it to you. I will never let her low. I know how precious she is to you, uncle and aunty. I will treat her with utmost respect and make her happy. If still you want to reject, i know how to persuade you along with your sister." completed viaan with a smirk in the end. "I know you will never hurt her but if ishu rejects you are not going to irritate her." said ruhaan. She will never reject me, thought viaan in his mind.


Ishitha and viaan spent very less time together as they were busy with their own studies and life, but both were aware of their feelings to each other. They use to meet each other in family gatherings as their parents are best friends and maintained a relation as good friends.

When viaan entered into his house when, Abhiraj is convincing his wife naina for something where she is continuously denying him. Finally she was ok with the decision and out of excitment his dad kissed naina all over her face. Viaan who is all used to this just chuckled and sat on the couch opposite to them gaining their attention.

Naina who saw her son initaiated a conversation, "How was your day beta?" "Pretty good maa." he replied and kissed his mother on cheek to which his father glared at him. Viaan cared less about his father as he know about his possessiveness. Naina just chuckled at their behaviour. Anvesha, who was out with her friends came back and sat beside her dad. He kissed her forehead and asked about her day when she informed, "papa, nidhi aunty and dev uncle invited us for dinner when i went to meet ishu." they nodded and went to their respective rooms.

In viaan's room,                                          

Viaan was looking at ishitha's picture that is placed on his bedside table with a smile on his face. Why not after all he is meeing after a whole 6 months. Before ishitha went to delhi, viaan went to Newyork and both were busy and unable to attend family dinner's together. Either of them were missing and today finally both are gonna be at same place. He planned to confess his feelings soon. With this thoughts he took a shower and got ready for dinner and went downstairs where his dad was waiting for his mom. He went and sat beside him where they had interaction about viaan's business and abhiraj's hospital. Inspite of him and his sister being in different fields from their parent's, they never stopped their kids from achieving their dreams and respect their decisions. Finally, anvesha and naina were present in living room. Abhiraj complimented his wife and daughter to which they said him he is handsome. Viaan being Viaan said his mother she is beautiful and hugged her to rile his father and teased anvesha saying, " How come anvi is like a monkey when mom is such a beauty." earning a slap from her. she went to hug her dad and whined saying "you look like chimpanzee." their banter continued for a while when naina interrupted saying they are getting late. Reaching outside Abhiraj and naina, anvi and viaan settled in two different cars.

That's all for today guys.........

Hope you like the chapter.
And finally our lovely couple is gonna meet.........
Stay tuned for next chapter.....

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Thank you😊.....

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