Chapter 12

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Hello lovely people......... I'm back with another lovely update. Enjoy reading

Viaan's POV:

When we reached ishu's workplace i stopped the car and looked at ishu who is already staring at me. She looked away from me blushing and tried to get down but i locked the doors, held her hand and looked into her eyes leaning towards her a bit more and looked at her lips asking her " may I?". She nodded her head a bit still in daze, i placed my lips on her to which she closed her eyes and moved her lips a bit responding to me. Slowly breaking the kiss i placed my lips on her forehead moving back. she looked at me smiling and kissed my cheek saying "bye".

She went inside the hospital and i started to my workplace as i have to inform them about me leaving this weekend and will be handling project from India. I entered into office and greeted everyone on my way to the cabin with a smile. Everyone here are very welcoming and kind hearted, i can say this in just few days as i worked with them in this three weeks and had good time. Thinking of everything happened in the past three weeks a smile came to my face automatically, proposing ishu and her acceptance is like a achievement to me.

I have to inform about this to both ruhaan and harshith but it would be better if i tell them in person and see their reactions. But now i have to irritate ruhaan a bit, i called him and he picked my call just after few rings and immediately asked " Is everything ok? ishi? Is she fine?" he bombarded me with questions. I sighed before answering him, "she's fine and joined back in work too...." before i complete my answer he again questioned, this time question bought a smile to me " How did your date go on?" I smiled and answer " I proposed her " to which his eyes widened and gasped " Did she accept?" he asked again, " that's for you to know darling, we'll talk later." i didn't give him a chance and disconnected the call and concentrated on work.

Ishitha's POV:

After getting down from car i controlled my breath and walked inside the hospital and greeted the receptionist, she's a sweet young lady. I walked into my cabin to check today's schedule, but surprisingly it planned for this week and i have to guide two interns. I was checking their profiles when someone entered my cabin after knocking on door, "excuse me mam" i heard a sweet voice and i realized they are the interns, Dr. Charlotte and Dr. Jack.

A young women and a man entered in with a small smile on their faces they wished me. "Good morning" i wished them back. " Mam this is Charlotte and he is jack, we were informed that we will be guided under you for this week. " she spoke. I nodded in response saying " Nice meeting you both and hope we enjoy while learning. " " Hopefully yes and thank you mam " spoke jack for the first time after he entered in. we discussed about the patients we need to attend and it was really a good time with them. We had our lunch together in canteen while chatting and i got to know they both are dating, they will be a cute couple together. I remembered about how viaan proposed me and morning kiss which made me smile. We continued with our work and soon it is evening, time to return back to viaan.

As i walked out of the hospital i saw viaan waiting for me, going through his mobile while leaning on to his car. I walked to him and hugged him, he immediately wrapped his hands around me. It felt good to be with him after a long day and i missed him. I moved myself back looking at him he smiled at me and we got into the car, viaan held my hand and kissed on my knuckles making me giggle. Soon we reached back home and i landed myself on couch lazily. Viaan sat beside me, I shifted myself closer to him and we started to share about our day, basically it was me blabbering about my day and him listening to it patiently.

Viaan's POV:

Ishu was talking about her day sitting with me, i felt at peace listening to her cute talks and the way she moves her hands dramatically explaining everything. We moved to our rooms to fresh up and have dinner. I had shower and went downstairs to cook something for us but i was shocked to see ishu standing in kitchen. She was trying to find something, i went towards her and asked her "What is little miss trying to find?" "Umm.. I'm trying to cut some vegetables for cooking, atleast i have to help you." she said which made me laugh. She glared at me and continued to her search and finally found few veggies in refrigirator and started to cut them.

We started to cook together and it is really a big task to cook with ishu as she tried to try her luck in cooking again today but ended up making them bad. We had dinner with a sulking ishu. I tried to lighten up her mood but she is still upset because she was not able to cook. " Can we go eat ice cream? " I asked hopefully thinking it will make her happy, and it actually worked. She looked at me with bright eyes and nodded her head up and down like a kid. i smiled at her and we went to nearest convenience store and bought ice creams for both of us, we walked for a while, enjoying our ice cream. Ishu started to speak happily again, a single ice cream can change her mood completely. We went back home and called it a night saying good night to each other.

Sorry for a very long break guys...
That was unexpected and here I'm back again

Thanks for your love and patience.

Finally!!!!!!!!!!!! Our lovely couple had their first kiss.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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