Chapter 6

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Hello everyone.....
Here is one more interesting chapter
Enjoy reading....!

Viaan's POV:

We were so lost in each other's eyes when her phone started ringing snapping us into reality. I moved back giving her some space and she picked up her phone " hello bhai." Oh it's ruhaan. "We reached safely. " she continued speaking when i started to cook dinner for us. I started preparing pasta as no other groceries were available. By the time she completed her call the cooking is done, we both placed the dinner on table and started eating. " it's tasty " she said in a surprising tone. May be she didn't expect me to be a good cook. I smiled at her and continued eating. After dinner i went back to living room to see her checking some files. Even i checked my schedule for tomorrow and asked her " why don't we go for a walk?" She looked at me and nodded her head. We both stood up and went to back yard " so, when are you going to join in work?" I asked her. " tomorrow, first I need to check on a patient and then I have to give few lectures. " she replied me while walking. " what about your project. " she asked me. " I have to meet a client tomorrow." i told her. She smiled and we had a small conversation.  I liked that we don't have that awkwardness anymore between us. We went inside and decided to sleep as she is gonna have a long day ahead.

Next day......

Ishitha's POV:

I woke up and got ready for the day while thinking about last night. The way he speaks and the way he smiles at me everything makes me fall more for him. Just his simple gestures are enough for me to feel butterflies. I blushed thinking how close we were in kitchen. Moving the thought's aside i made my way downstairs only to see viaan cooking breakfast. He is back facing me so he didn't notice. He looks so handsome and i can't stop myself from checking him out. I was so lost in him. He Suddenly turned back and saw me standing there, I smiled at him and wished him morning to which he walked to me and hugged me wishing back out of the blue. Again that butterflies started to dance in my stomach. After completing breakfast, i told him I'm leaving to hospital when he cut me in the middle telling " wait, I'll drop you. " " That's fine i will manage myself."  To which he got up and started walking telling me to follow him. I sighed and followed him. We sat in the car and he started driving. After reaching hospital i got down from car saying bye to him. He got down and came to my side and placed a kiss on my forehead to which i became like a  tomato. I smiled at him and walked inside. I checked my schedule for today and met with a few doctor's who are gonna accompany me. I went to my patient and got to he is suffering from brain tumor. My heart clenched by looking at the kid who is fighting with such a big problem in the very young age. He is around 7 years old. I sat near him " hello Noah " i greeted him with a smile to which he returned back with a slight smile. He looks weak, and his eyes doesn't have the charm that every kid have in their age. After doing some check up and going through his previous reports, which shows he is in the last stage. I had a conversation with his parents and walked towards the block where the classes will be. I walked into the class and the interns greeted me. Introducing myself i continued with the session.

On the other side....

Viaan's POV:

After dropping ishu at her work place i went to meet the client. We discussed about the upcoming project in collaboration with both the companies and started to make a plan on it. Attending a few more clients and working on few projects my day came to an end. I decided to visit ishu and take her home with me if she is done.
After reaching there i went to receptionist and asked " where can i meet Dr. Ishitha Deshmukh.? " " sir, do you have an appointment with mam? " " no, I'm her family." " give me a minute sir." She said and then made a call and informed me about her cabin. I went in the direction told by her and knocked on the door. I heard her voice " come in " and i entered in. I saw her engrossed in a report that she didn't see me and asked  " have you prepared everything to start treatment? " I sat infront of her desk and said " " it's me ishu " i said her to which she immediately looked at me. " oh, you are here. " she smiled at me. " if you are done we can leave. " i said to her and she stood up from her place nodding at me.

After a week...

In this week we made a lot of progress like she is speaking with me a lot, sharing our day with eachother and she got used to my hugs and forehead kisses evry morning and night.  I'm happy with the changes.

Ishitha's POV:

A week passed after we came to canada. It feels good to be around him. The way he takes care of me and his forehead kiss is the most refreshing thing every morning and night. I love to spend time with him. In hospital i got attached with noah a lot in a little time. Viaan also met him once, he is so good around kids. But the only thing that hurts is Noah's health is declining day by day. It feels like I'm not capable of doing anything to him. It's  weekend and I came out of my room and saw viaan sitting on a couch doing some work. He looked at me and smiled when i sat beside him. His gestures made me feel confident that he also feels the same. But I don't know if i can confess him or not. I can't take no as an answer from him. But also i feel it's not good to hide them anymore. I decided to tell him about it tomorrow. My line of thoughts broke when my phone rang. I saw the caller id and immediately picked the call. It's from Noah's caretaker from hospital, may be it's urgent as it's late in the night they called me." Hello, is there any issue? " i asked immediately after taking the call. But the reply from other made me shock.....

Thank you peeps....
Hope you enjoyed the chapter 😊

Do you think it's a good news that made ishitha shock or..?? 😲

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