Chapter 4

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Hello minions...
Here I'm with the other interesting chapter...

Viaan's POV:

" I'm going to canada for few days..." ishitha completed her sentence which made all of us look at her in shock. I know she is famous and have a busy schedule, but she was all busy from oast few months. " why? " I asked out of curiosity which gained everyone's attention. " I have to attend few surgeries and lectures. " she replied looking at me. " But you have just returned beta, don't you need some rest" Nidhi aunty interrupted her. I nodded my head unknowingly and earned mischievous smile from my mom and ruhaan. He is smiling such an ass. After they were having some discussion about her travelling but I zoned out. We left after some chatting as it's already late night.

Ishitha's POV:

After viaan's family left, mom, dad and ruhaan bhai were asking about the canada trip which almost gonna last for a month. I entered my room and changed into some comfy night wear and lost in my thoughts.
I felt so different when viaan hugged me today. It's normal for us to hug whenever we meet, but after I realised my feeling's towards him it changed.
My heart beats so loud with him around me, I love the feeling but I'm afraid what if he don't feel the same?. This thoughts all running in my brain are making me to run away from him.
I felt my eye's feeling heavy and fell into a deep slumber waiting for the next morning to rise brightly.

Next day....
Viaan's POV:

I'm sitting in my office waiting for my friend's harshith and ruhaan. I looked up when someone entered my office without knocking. Here they are.
" Viyuuuu..... " harsh dragged my name like a child and sat opposite to me and ruhaan just sat there without uttering a word. " Stop being a child atleast for once harsh." I said to which he smiled widely. " What should I do now? " I asked. " How would I know? " ruhaan questioned back with his poker face.
" Don't act like a brother now. " " I don't need to act. " he grumbled back. " Guy's I understood it's about our ishu but what's the matter first? " harsh who was silent upto now questioned us. That's when I described him everything. He laughed out loud but became silent with my glare. He then started to tell few plans to stop ishu but all were just stupid like him. " stop plotting against my own sister infront of me. " ruhaan said. I went near him and said " think like a friend and not as a brother for once." I almost pleaded him. He nodded his head understanding my situation. After few minutes ruhaan decided to break silence  " why don't you go to canada? " That's when the realisation hit me like a rock.
Instead of stopping her I can myself go with her. I hugged him suddenly out of my excitement. We had our talks for a while and I decided to go back home.

In viaan's home:

As I entered inside I directly went to my parent's room and knocked on the door. As it's already evening mom and dad would be back from their work. I entered inside and hugged my mom.
" Looks like you just returned, and what's the reason of coming directly to my room? " my dad questioned grumpily. Oh may be I disturbed someone, i just ignored his question and said " I'm going to canada." Without looking at my mom who was looking at me mischievously. " why beta, I remember we have no branches over there? " my mom questioned. My dad looked at me with his questioning gaze. Ahh now I have to explain them. " dad that's ishu is going, i wanna spend some time with her. And don't you think it's time for me to propose her. " I explained them. My parent's already knew about this, I told them when the topic of marriage has come up once. They were on cloud nine on that day when they got to know about me loving ishu. Spending some time with them I went back to my room and called my assistant to inform about my change in plan's for next month.

Next day....

Ishitha's POV:

I woke up and went downstairs to see my mom and dad having their morning coffee with their morning talk.
I wished them good morning and settled my head on my mother's lap again falling into slumber.
I again woke up when I heard someone speaking, that's when i saw viaan sitting opposite to us and discussing about something.
" Good morning " he wished me when he saw that i woke up.
I wished him back in my morning voice that's when I came back to my senses about my morning look. Ahh! It's so embarrassing. " Viaan is gonna join your trip to canada beta " my dad interrupted my thoughts. " why? " i asked with confusion. Why is he coming? I'm here not able to handle his presence even for sometime without getting all flustered. How am i gonna manage for a month?.
" we are planning for a new project with some delegates over there and even you are going at the same time... so, i thought we can leave together." He explained. " ohhh... " That's the only word that came out of my mouth.
I went back to my room to get ready. I'm gonna meet rithu today in a cafe. And for the trip we are leaving after two days .

Viaan's POV:

When i entered into dev uncle's house the scene infront of me made my day. Nidhi aunty and dev uncle having their talk while my love sleeping like a baby in aunty's lap. I greeted them trying not to disturb her sleep. I told about my trip to uncle, ofcourse lying about the part to persuade her. I told him it's related to my new project. If he get to know about me loving ishu he will burn me alive. It's not like he don't like me but he loves ishitha immensely.
That's when I saw ishitha looking around qith confusion. Cute! That's what described her expressions. I wished her morning. Uncle explained her about the plan. She looked convinced but I know her in and out I sensed her discomfort about me accompanying her. I don't want her to feel that. This month may help her to get comfortable with me. She is thinking the love blooming between us would bring issues. But that blossoms of love between us will only bring happiness. I bid my bye to them and went back to office to recheck the schedule.

That's all for today guys.........

Hope you like the chapter.
So, excited to know the canada journey of our lovely couple....
Stay tuned for next chapter to get the glance of their relationship.....

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Thank you😊.....

From now on gonna update the chapters on Wednesday and Saturday.
Tell me your thought's on this and let me know if you want any changes....

So now enjoy the chap lovlies....

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