Chapter 8

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Hello lovely people 💕
Here is the another amazing chapter...
Enjoy reading 😉

Viaan's POV:

When ishu asked me to sleep with her on bed I was shocked. I thought she would be uncomfortable with me, and when i said that her reply made my heart skip a beat. She said that she is comfortable with me sharing a bed with. I looked at her and slept maintaining some distance between us. As much as i would love to have her in my arms her comfort is also important. And i can't take advantage of her state of mind now.
When i tried to turn to a side there was some thing stopping me. I slowly opened my eyes only to see the beautiful view. It's my dream to get up every morning with her in my arms. Ishu is almost sleeping on me, with her head on my chest, legs tangled with me. I took my time to look at her and then saw then looked at the clock which showed as 12:00 pm in the afternoon. I had a good sleep though we slept late at night. Moving a bit not disturbing her sleep i took my phone. I have two missed calls from mom and 5 from ruhaan and dev uncle. I decided to call them as it would be around 10:30 pm in india. I connected a call to mom and she immediately picked it up saying " viaan, is everything alright? Why no one of you is taking the calls? " she shoot me with her questions without giving time for mw to reply. When i stayed silent she again asked " why are you not opening your mouth? " i chuckled at her and described yesterday's incident to which she felt bad for noah and asked me about ishistha. I looked down at her who was sleeping like a baby. Again i was lost in her thought's when mom suddenly asked " Is she fine or not ?" " she is sleeping mom. " we spoke for a while after that and i decided to call ruhaan. When i explained the whole thing he felt bad for ishitha's health and asked me to take care. Lastly i decided to call dev uncle, i don't know how he is gonna react after this. He received my call immediately and spoke hurriedly and asked many questions to which i once again detailed him also. " I'll be there by night viaan, take care of her upto then. I'm leaving now. " he said in a tensed voice to which i replied " uncle now she is fine now and sleeping, you don't need to worry about her safety and health. I assure you with that. " making him understand was a huge thing. Finally nidhi aunty was able to convince him. By the time i complete the calls it was almost 1:00 pm. I was gently stroking ishu's hair when she slightly moved in her sleep. After a minute or two she opened her eyes and was looking around, that's when realisation hit her and she looked at me and our position.

Ishitha's POV:

I woke up from my sleep and was looking around the room, that's when i realised I'm literally sleeping on viaan. He looked at me and smiled. It was awkward for me so i tried to distance myself but his grip on my waist tightened making me gasp. He gently kissed me on my forehead and asked " how are you feeling now? " " better " i replied with a slight smile. I got up from him and made my way towards the restroom to take a shower. After taking long hot shower i came back to find the room empty. I went out of my room to see viaan in kitchen preparing some food i guess. By looking at his attire i think he took a bath. After this whole week and half with him i realised how much he meant to me. The way he takes care of me and the way he looks at me makes my herat skip a beat. I was in my thought's when he placed lunch on the dinning table for us. Basically a cook comes and make food for us in weekdays but on weekends viaan cooks. We had our lunch with a little chit chat. After lunch he asked me to watch a movie with him to which i nodded my head. We decided on watching yjhd a bollywood movie. After sometime he pulled me closer to him by my waist to which i was shocked but i liked this way so i made myself comfortable by keeping my head on his chest with my eye's glued to movie. I felt him placing a kiss on my hair and again turning back to the movie. Spending time with him kept my heart at peace. He didn't speak about yesterday's incident and trying to be normal. The thought of noah itself is clenching my heart, a part of me still feels like I'm the reason of his death.  Pushing the thought's aside i again concentrated on movie. When the movie was in it's climax viaan called me. Although i watched the movie many times getting disturbed in end is not my thing. So i asked him to wait a minute. But his next words made me look at him with shock amd suprise. But he was looking at me as if it was so normal. " will you.........

That's all for today guys..
Stay tuned for other chapter to know what viaan said or asked maybe.....
Any guesses??....
Hope you enjoyed reading.

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Thank you 😊 💓

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