Chapter 11

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Hello lovely people....
Here, I'm back with an interesting chapter. Sorry for the late update.

Viaan's POV:

She walked out of her room looking beautiful as always with a pretty smile on her face. As planned we are going on a date. " you look beautiful ishu. " i complimented her to which she smiled at me and said " your handsome as always " winking at me. I laughed at her and we walked out of the house hand in hand to our destination.

As we want it to be a simple date to have a small break from work stress i planned our dinner in a restaurant.
The car ride was pretty silent and comfortable. As we reached the place i got down from the car and opened the door for ishu to get down. I held her hand in mine and she gave me a cute smile which melt my heart. We went in and ordered the food. By the time food arrive we had our normal talk about the day. We had our dinner peacefully and seeing her getting back to normal made me happier.

After completing our dinner we got into the car and i took her to the river side which is beautiful and calm under the night light. She looked surprise at me when we reached the place as it is not planned according to her. Taking her left hand in my right i got down on my knees infront of her making her shock....

" I know your surprised, but it's already too late to express my feelings to you ishu. In your eyes i found a galaxy of dreams and in your smile i discovered the warmth that my heart had been seeking. You are the melody plays in my heart turning the ordinary moments into a symphony of love. I never believed in fairy tales until the day i realised my love for you and suddenly happily ever after seemed like the only ending. With you every sunrise feels like a promise and every sunset a moment to be cherished in the canvas of our shared love. I love you and you was, you are and you will only be my first and last love. Will you accept to be mine forever?. " i completed kissing her hand waiting for her to reply.

Ishitha's POV:

The way he expressed his love to me made me feel lucky to have him. Unknowingly tears started to flow from my eyes and his kiss on my hand made me come out my thoughts. Looking at him i realised he is still on his knees the hole time. I also got on my knees and hold his hands in mine and " viaan, i think loving you is the best thing i have ever done in my life. I know my happily ever after is you, and i want it this moment. I love you, love you soo much. And yes I'll be yours forever. " he stood up and made me also stand up and hugged me and " This may not be the ideal proposal, but i shared everything i feel for you, and words can't describe my love for you. Ishu i always wanted us and i got it now. I promise i will never fail you. " he completed wiping my tears away from my eyes placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. 

We reached home happily with bright smiles on our faces. It was late night already so we decided to call it a day and slept.

The next day, i woke up to the alarm sound and saw its time to freshen up and reach hospital. I had a nice morning shower, chose a simple outfit for the day and went downstairs. By the time i reach kitchen i saw viaan making breakfast in his office attire, which tells he is all ready to leave for work. I went near him and wished a good morning to which he turned to me and gave a kiss on my cheek replying a small morning. I started brew coffee for both of us while he completed making breakfast. We had breakfast and settled ourselves in car to reach work places. Car ride was silent until he decided to break it, " so, when will your shift be over today? " " by 6:00 pm " and then again it was silent. " when did you realise you love me? " i asked him to which he looked at me and held my hand kissing on my knuckles with a soft smile on his lips. He didn't answer my question, but i can see his love and adoration for me in his eyes.

" I will have to leave this weekend, my work here ends. " i said him. " we " he replied.  I looked at him confused andas a queue as if understanding my thoughts he answered " we are leaving this weekend. " by stressing on we. " what about your project here? " " ishu, i came to canada just to be with you, and the project is just a part of it and not the actual reason. " he informed making me shocked. I didn't expect him to leave all his work there and be here with me to spend time. I couldn't stop myself from looking at him. I came out of my thought's when the car halted and that's when i realised we reached hospital and he's also looking at me. I looked away with shyness being caught, staring at him and tried to get down but he locked the doors. He held my hand and started to lean towards me looking straight in my eyes.....

Sorry for a very long break guys...
That was unexpected and here I'm back again, resuming to update the chapters.

Thanks for your love and patience. 

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Finally our lovely couple had a cute proposal, hope you all liked it.

Lots of love ❤️
Thank you.....

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