Chapter 3

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I decided it was no use. I won't know for sure why Athenodora left. I know we fought but what was I supposed to do. There were some misunderstandings but I thought we would get over them. But I guess I was wrong. She was my mate now she's gone. She probably hates me now. I'm not one to use my power against people I love. Just because I am apart of the Volturi doesn't mean I can't love. Aro's mate Sulpicia said she never saw Athenodora like this. I know the Volturi seems like stuck up assholes but were not. Only some of are ha ha. I myself think Aro can be mean when someone commits a crime but other than that he is extremely kind.

Since everything has happened I decided to just go on with my life. I was reading some old medieval poetry and some woman came in. She said her Elizabeth she came in to report a serious crime. A man named Devin showed himself to a human now they know he's a vampire. That is the death penalty. Jane and Alec went to go get him and bring him back. I sat in my throne and waited. Aro  stood as he waited for the criminal. Marcus and I went to go get our prosecution robes on.  We do this only when we have to kill. This has been done for centuries. I serve justice I don't want to kill innocent people. That's not what the Volturi is about.

When Jane and Alec came back with Devin. We had Elizabeth confirm that he was the person. Yes indeed it was. I sat down in my throne then Marcus did the same thing. Aro stood and walked towards Devin.

" You have committed the ultimate crime Devin!"

"You know that that is forbidden!"

"As the result you will die!"

Just then Aro beheaded him. I sat and watched the whole thing. Just another crime I thought to myself. But I can't get Athenodora out of my mind. She keeps popping up in my mind. I guess this will take me some time for me to get over this. I think I should read some more. I think my studies are what's best. I love books especially books from centuries ago.

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