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     Three weeks later, I'm still thrown into world of Grant. Right now, he's yelling something down the hallway. He's been hanging out with me a lot lately, and sometimes I forget that he had other friends. Friends who were there long before I was. Friends who were more grateful than me.

     Three weeks. I knew Grant for three weeks, and it feels like three-thousand weeks. Yet, I'm still not used to having around. I constantly have to remind myself that he is my friend, that it's normal when he's around me.

     I don't know if I trust him either. Grant is random. This can all be one big joke, lies upon lies, and I can't be attached because one of will be hurt.

     I'm always stuck. Stuck between giving everything because I do want a meaningful relationship, and giving nothing because if they leave, I'll still be left whole.

     "Yo!" I hear Jackson shout as I put away my books, "Grant! Dude, stop being a douche!"

     The people still in the hallway move aside as he chases Grant.

     And the word Grant yells rings clear through the air, "Never!"

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