50 // Grant // Epilogue

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"We're going on a date."

Venice doesn't look up from the textbook on her desk when she says, "Grant, can we postpone it to Saturday? I'm a little busy right now."

I know how it feels to be busy, especially going into an architectural field. However, I just want to take a break from our studies.

"Please, Venice? It would mean the world to me," I beg, resting my arms on her shoulders.

She hesitates, taking another glance at her textbook. Finally, Venice tilts her head back to look at me, "Fine, but I'm giving you an hour and a half.

"That's plently of time, babe," I kiss her cheek, "Dress pretty."


"Why are we at the pier?"

I joke, "There aren't any lakes around."

My girlfriend rolls her eyes, "I'm sure there is, Grant. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop making me feel stupid," I grumble, but she laughs.

"You know, this feels a lot like our first date," Venice says, watching as the sun bleeds into the water.

"I know," I say, wrapping an arm around her, "It's relaxing, isn't it?"

"Are you serving peanut butter sandwiches and juice pouches again?"

Smiling, I say, "I can't believe you still remember even after seven years."

Her blue eyes soften, "It's something I can't forget."

I place my chin on her head, simply loving this beautiful young woman. Even after seven years, my feelings for Venice felt like how it did before.

The words slip out before I can think, "Marry me?"

Her face morphs into a surprised look. My heart races as I wait for an answer, "Ask me the proper way, and then we'll see."

I laugh before dramatically getting down on one knee. The engagement ring that I've been carrying around for months actually made itself useful today.

"Venice Grace Waters, you are my everything. When I met you in detention all those years ago, I never imagined that I would fall hopelessly in love with you. So, what do you say? Will you marry me?"

"Are you sure you wanna deal with hell for the rest of your life?"

I grin, remembering this question, "I already deal with it everyday."

"Then yes, Grant Victor, I will be your wife for as long as you can handle me."


Boom, the epilogue, the end, the conclusion.

It's been a great adventure of three and a half months (only????? It feels longer). We've come so far, and I'm honestly crying. I'd never imagine this to happen to me.

Thank you, and I love you all.



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