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This story is currently being edited by Karabear6996, a writing major. Thank you Kara for all your help :)


It was a breezy night in downtown Los Angeles when I was with a few close friends and, of course, my bandmates. We were celebrating Philip Lawrence's birthday, and usually on occasions like these we would hit the local clubs to celebrate, but we settled for a reservation at a fancy restaurant instead.

Circled around a rather large table were the nine of us drinking and goofing around. My glass froze halfway to my mouth once I caught sight of something that caused my heart to skip a few beats: a young woman in a red dress that had a long slit up her leg came in from the entrance of the building and was following a waiter to her reserved seat. Her stunning eyes met with my dark brown ones. She winked. When she winked with those thick, long eyelashes I almost dropped my drink. I watched, totally memorized by her beauty, as she cat-walked her way to her seat. Her brunette hair cascaded down her bare back in big curls as she crossed her legs at her table. She was beautiful. God, she was so beautiful. I watched speechless. I noticed she was sitting at a table designed for two—she was most likely meeting with someone—across from our table and took a menu from the waiter.

A few moments passed and I still didn't take my eyes off of this woman. No one seemed to notice my change in behavior because they were too busy laughing at some stupid joke Phil had told.

I wanted to approach her so much that it hurt. I could see myself sitting across from her at that table just drinking red wine with her. She had cat-like eyes that were just stunning, with a body full of curves that only God could sculpt, and a face that could launch a hundred—no, scratch that—a thousand airplanes. Her lips were a blood red, she had flawless slim legs that seemed to stretch for miles, and dimples that hung perfectly on her chunky cheeks. She looked as if she came from Hollywood with all those curls and white pearls around her neck. Or maybe even someone who stepped off the clouds from above and stepped onto the earth to grace us with her presence.

I tried so hard to not gawk at her, but it was nearly impossible! I would try to join in on the conversation held at my table with my friends, but I would always stare off at her. She was just sitting there eating alone and throwing quick glances at the door. She was obviously waiting for someone.

"Bruno, man," Jamareo nudged me, pulling me out of my reverie, "you're too quiet. What's up?"

"Nothing." I shook my head and focused my glare on my nearly empty glass.

"Is that what you're so focused on?" he asked. I looked at him and saw that he was pointing his head in the direction of her.

"She's gorgeous." I commented.

"So go ask for her name." he said.

I could only chuckle. "I don't know, man."

After a while, I realized that my friends were already standing and were preparing to leave. I looked back at the girl and saw that she was still eating alone. I guess no one came to meet Little Miss. Perfect. The chair opposite of her remained empty. My heart hurt for her.

"We gotta go now." My brother, Eric, said as everyone was walking toward the doors to leave.

I stood up contemplating whether or not to approach the poor girl. She was talking to someone on her phone by then and her eyes looked like they were filled with tears. The waiter came by her table and handed her what appeared to be the bill for her salad and ice tea.

"Bruno!" Phil called from the doors.

"Just a sec!" I said as I followed my heart and made my way to her.

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