Chapter 13

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Persey's (Natalie) POV

Okay. What just happened back there?! What did we just do?

We kissed.

Not just any kiss. I mean we didn't kiss just for the stupid plan again, we didn't kiss for anyone but we kissed because... I don't really know why. It wasn't like any other kiss we had. It was... magical. Okay, that's so gay. It was just the first time I felt butterflies as I kissed Bruno Mars. That's just what I want to say.

I ran to Presley's room where Ali was after I got out from Bruno's room. I opened the door and started being hysterical. "Ali! Something happened! I—I don't know why he did that—I just—I can't even—"

"Oh my gosh! Slow down. I can't understand a thing you're saying," she said while she was on the bed with her eyes on her phone.

I closed the door trying not to burst out just yet, and then sat beside Ali on the bed.

"Tell me what?" Ali said in a bored voice with her eyes still glued on her phone.

"It's Bruno. He... he kissed me!" I cried.

Ali suddenly threw her phone away and turned her full attention to me. "Tell me more! Tell me more!" he shook me.

So I told her what happened but then in my mind I was like, Why am I even telling this to a fifteen year old teenage girl who knows nothing but to obsess over Bruno Mars? And as usual she started freaking out and telling these shits I don't understand. This "I ship you and Bruno" thing. What does that even mean? And she told me that I should start dating him again and blah, blah, blah. It was impossible to stop her from blubbering. I regret saying this to her.

I woke up to a usual sunny morning in Hawaii. I found myself sleeping beside Ali in Presley's room. There was only the two of us. Then I remembered today was our flight back to LA. I shook Ali to wake her up. She tried hard to open her eyes and then looked at me with this what-the-fuck-it's-too-early-in-the-morning-please-fuck-off look. I told her it was time to pack up so we jumped out of the bed and started packing up. I went to Bruno's room where my things were. Luckily (I guess), I didn't see Bruno there. I didn't know how to deal with him at the moment after last night's k-k-k-kiss.

After packing, I got in the shower and then dressed up. I went out of the room with my heavy mallet. While I was dragging them down the stairs, Bruno saw me from the bottom. I don't know why his presence suddenly made me feel uneasy. Our eyes met but I quickly looked away. And I wish I didn't do that because it just made the moment more awkward. Damn,I hate myself. I decided to ignore him and just continue on dragging my mallet.

"Can I help you with that?" he asked. That made me stop, and I felt nervous like what?

"Oh I—" In my mind I was like, Oh god! Don't stutter. Don't stutter. Don't stutter. "Uh, yes... please."

He then walked to me and took my mallet. He carried it with him as he climbed down the stairs. He did it like he was just carrying a bunch of pillows while I was having a real hard time dragging it. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he glanced at me. "You okay, Natalie?" he asked like he was trying to avoid the awkwardness between us.

And I don't know what was wrong with me. I was just standing there looking at him with my mouth half-open and probably... I was drooling. Okay. Seriously, what is wrong with me? I mean Bruno wasn't even wearing a tank top. It was just his usual outfit, a shirt and a fedora? What is in Bruno to drool at?

I tried my very best to snap myself back to reality. "Ah... nothing! What? What's wrong with me? Am I acting strange? Pssh. No, I'm not." Okay, that didn't sound convincing.

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