Chapter 16

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Bruno's POV

I pulled Persey into the house and we walked to the lounge where the guys were probably watching television and goofing around. "Hey, Bruno", "Hey, man", "Where have you been, Bruno?" they greeted me as I walked in to the room.

Behind me was Persey – or to them, she's still Natalie. "Look who's here to see you guys," I said and pulled Natalie from behind me. She gave them a shy smile and I found that cute.

The guys were surprised and happy to see her again that they almost jump. Sheeach gave them a hug, feeling welcomed and happy to see them again too.

"What happened to your head, Natalie?" Phil asked referring to the small wound that was covered with a bandage on Natalie's head.

Natalie threw her hand on the wound, suddenly looking all jittery. "I, uh..." she struggled for words.

"She tripped," I answered for her. More like lied.

She gazed at me. "Uh, yeah! I tripped!"

"You tripped?" Kameron didn't sound convinced

"I tripped", "She tripped" I and Natalie chorused and the guys exchanged stares.

For the rest of the late afternoon, we watched movies and talked about random stuffs. When night came, the guys had to say goodbye now and head home. Meanwhile, Ali and Persey stayed in the house. I showed Persey her room where she was to be sleeping in for the meantime. I opened the door for her and she looked at me and said, "You don't have to do this, Bruno. Seriously. I can just go back to the mansion and—"

"No," I broke her off. "I won't let you go back there."

"I can handle myself," she argued.

"No. You're not safe in there."

"Yes I am. If I'm gonna hide longer from James, I'm gonna be in a much bigger trouble."

We stared at each other for a long moment with silence surrounding us. In her surprise, I pushed her in to the room and then closed the door, locking her in. "Bruno! What the hell?! Get me out of here!" I heard her screaming and banging the door. I didn't speak but just listened and laughed at her while she kept shouting. "Bruno! Open this door! Bruno... Hello? Are you still there?... I know you're still there, you little shit! Open the door!" she shouted. Then she sighed loudly which I assumed meant she finally gave up being difficult. "Fine! I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm not leaving. Just open this door now. I don't want to be locked in." That's what I want to hear.

I finally opened the door and said, "Good night," and then closed it again without locking it.

I went to the living room to see Ali waiting for me to drive her home. She looked at me with worried eyes while she was sitting on the couch with her arms folded. I walked over to her and she began to ask, "Is she going to be okay?"

"Yeah. I promise," I answered sliding my hands into my side pockets. "I hope she wouldn't think of escaping."

"This is all so sudden. I can't believe she's actually a wife of a syndicate," Ali muttered throwing her hands to her head. "I never thought of her that way. I just thought she was another bitch who wants nothing but money."

"I know," I sighed. "It's no wonder why she always changed the subject whenever I ask her about her personal life." I sat beside her.

"You better help her get away from James Edwards, Bruno. Or she'll forever be stuck in that whorehouse," Ali said. "I know! You should just be the one to pay for her father's treatment instead so she wouldn't have to stay with Edwards anymore!"

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