Chapter 24

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Author's Note: Sorry it took me ages again to post this one. It was my exam week so... yeah. Belated Happy Birthday to our babe! :) Hope you enjoy this one. Somewhere Only We Know by Keane on the side. Listen to it! Do it! lol. Vote, comment, hate lol


Bruno's POV

I squeezed my eyes open and saw nothing but the white ceiling above me. Last night was the best night of my life. I never thought that would happen. I just made love with the woman who stole money from me and that I never knew I would fell inlove with this hard... I regret nothing.

My head aches a little though from drinking last night. I felt a pang of pain in my head as I struggled to sit up. Expecting to see her beside me, I looked at my left. But I saw no one there, just a white pillow. I looked around me and saw the room neat and tidy. The clothes we left scattered on the floor last night were gone, leaving no trace of evidence that we had sex.

I saw my clothes folded and lying on the edge of the bed. I took them and quickly dressed up. "Persey?" I called out once I finished dressing up. I went out of the bedroom to the living room and saw everything was boxed except for the furniture and the television set. It looked like someone just moved in or was about to move out. I headed to the kitchen which also appeared to be tidied up. My eyes flew to where the refrigerator was and my eyebrows furrowed as I saw a note sticking on the door. I moved closer to it and grabbed the note which said,

"Last night was the best time of my life. I really didn't want it to end. But I'm afraid I have to say goodbye now for good. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for giving me a chance. I am so happy that I got to meet someone like you; your family and your friends. You're a great guy, Bruno. You're the best guy a girl could ever have. I'm not the right girl for you. You deserve someone much, much better. But no matter what happens, I will always love you. I told you to keep that in mind. I always wish we had a place where we can go to, where there's no one to bother us. A place for ourselves, somewhere only we know. Please take care of Ali. I love you both. Good luck on your tour. xx

Goodbye. Please don't forget me.

Love, *Persephone* Natalie"

(*strike through*)


I closed the door of her unit with my heart sinking to my stomach. Now what? There was nothing more that I can do. She was right. It's not meant to be. She's somebody else's wife and I... I'm an artist. All I know is do music.  What was I even doing with my life? Everyone was right. I lost focus on my career because of this. I better snap myself back to reality and set my mind back to performing and doing music. I better get back to the old me who dreams of nothing but to do music for the rest of his life. I knew that was what Persey wanted me to do too.

Mom and my sisters left this morning to head home so I didn't get to see them anymore when I went back to my house. I had spam for lunch. After eating, I fed and petted Geronimo whom I missed playing with, and I did a little strumming on my guitar while singing to Fun on the poolside.  And for once, I felt like I was me again.

In the late afternoon, I went out of the house to my garage. My watch said it was 4:07 pm which meant I was already seven minutes late for our rehearsals for the upcoming Billboard Awards which we'll be performing at. I went in my car and drove my way to the studio.

When I got in to the room with a striped shirt on and khaki pants, everyone of my band mates stopped from chattering and goofing around, and looked at me in a bit of astonishment like they've never seen me before. They were already in place holding their instruments. I, too, looked a little perplexed as they were.

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