Chapter 8

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Author's Note: I forgot to dedicate this to _hooligan4ever. (Argh! I hate myself lol) She's a really sweet and nice Hooligan. Go read her fanfic too. :)

Persey's (Natalie) POV


Oh my god! Ali just drowned.

Bruno stood up from the bench and quickly ran near the waters where Ali was lying almost lifeless. I followed him there and found the guys surrounding Ali and panicking.

"What happened?!" Bruno was tensed. He looked at Ali like she was his own daughter.

"I don't know! We were just surfing and all of a sudden I saw her already drowning," Phil who had been with Ali the whole day, answered.

"Phil, fucking do something!" Eric freaked out.

"Calm down, guys! I'm calling an ambulance," Jaime said and went off to call for an ambulance.

"You need to fucking get the water out of her!" Presley was already freaking out too.

"We need CPR! Who can do it, guys?" Bridgette who was at the middle said.

"Do it, Bruno!" Jamereo urged Bruno.

"I can't! I don't know how to!" Bruno cried.

"This is fucking serious! We have to do something!" Bridgette panicked.

"You guys! Calm down, okay?" I spoke up and everybody looked at me. "Move away. Let me do it," I volunteered and crawled to Ali. Bridgette had to move away so it was quite awkward when she did as I inched closer to Ali.

Everyone watched closely as I pumped Ali's chest and water came out of her mouth. I kept doing it until she finally gave out a cough and inhaled deeply.

"ALI!!!" Everyone cheered as Ali finally went back to life.

Ali kept coughing until she was completely alright. "Oh god. What happened?" she asked wearily.

"I think you were hit by a big wave and then you fell off your board and drowned," Phil said.

"That was stupid," she mumbled.

"Come on, Ali. Let's get you dry and warm now," Presley said as she helped Ali get up. They all stood up but before walking away, they gave me pats saying "Good job, Natalie", "That was great, Natalie", "You're cool." I just gave them my shy smile.

Then I was left with Bruno, Bridgette and Lucas again. Bruno just looked at me with a shocked face and asked, "How did you do that?"

I jerked my shoulders up which meant that I didn't know.

He happily pecked a kiss on my cheek – probably just showing up to Lucas and Bridgette again. "I'm gonna go check on, Ali," he said and then went away.

Lucas then approached me and said, "I didn't know you can be a nurse." He smiled. I just chuckled and then he walked away saying, "Let's go, babe," motioning to Bridgette.

Bridgette didn't follow Lucas right away. She gave me a look first. "Nice work," she said shortly with no emotion.

"Thanks," I just said.

Bruno's POV

I went to the room where Ali was with a new tank top on and found her there with Jaime and Presley. She was lying on the bed eating chocolates and being babied by my sisters again. She's such a spoiled baby.

"Bruno!" I was surprised to see her happy to see me. I thought she was still mad at me.

"Hello, baby squirrel!" I forgot I baby her too.

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