Chapter 5

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Author's Note: I did a little editing. I changed something, sorry. You'll notice it once you read it. :) Dedicated to Ashley_Sykes :) xx Enjoy!


Bruno's POV

"That was really, really awkward, Bruno. I just wanted to die back there," Natalie gritted through her teeth as she walked with me towards the backyard.

"I know. I'm sorry," I said.

"I felt like shit there. Bridgette is so close to your sisters and she even calls Bernie 'Mommy' like what the fuck! I got nothing on her!" she whispered loudly.

"Relax, Natalie. Don't worry. I'm sure they like you," I comforted.

"No. No. I can't relax now. Inside I'm freakin' out. I just want that Bridgette to finally admit that she still likes you. And that wedding thing your family's talking about needs to be done. I don't like this job anymore!"

"Natalie, stick to the plan. C'mon! Bridgette wasn't my fiancée. I never proposed to her. My sisters are just too excited." Honestly, I was supposed to propose to Bridgette now that we were back in Hawaii if only we didn't break up. That was my plan before. My sisters know that, that's why they were too excited to see Bridgette.

"Ugh! I didn't sign up for this. Meeting your family. Whew!" she exhaled with her hand on her forehead, looking frustrated.

It was noontime and we gathered at the backyard where it was sunny but cool because of the presence of the beach nearby. The others were grilling barbecue and enjoying the view of the beach from a distance while I sat at a long wooden table with my family including Phil, Ryan, Bridgette, Lucas, Ali, and Natalie, of course. She was at my left and opposite her was Bridgette. Ali who always makes sure to sit beside me was at my right. Mom was at the capital of the table as usual. We were eating barbecue and pizza and just chattering when Tahiti decided to ask me and Natalie about our relationship.

"So, Bruno, how did you meet Natalie?" my sister asked with a playful smile on her face.

"Oh, they met at a restaurant by accident!" Bridgette answered for us with so much enthusiasm. "Natalie was waiting for her boyfriend that time at the restaurant but the boyfriend never arrived. She was so lonely. So Bruno decided to approach her. He even paid for her bill. That was just totally sweet!" she said it so fast and my sisters were like, "Oh my gosh! Really?", "That's so sweet!", "Totally sweet."

"What do you do, Natalie?" Tiara asked.

"I'm a model," Natalie answered with a bit of uncertainty in her tone. "I-I do nothing just... modeling."

"That's cool," Tiara said.

"Yeah, great. No wonder why you look like one," Tahiti complimented and Natalie shyly smiled at the table.

"I told you she looks like Miranda Kerr from Victoria's Secret," Tiara added.

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