Chapter 12

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Author's Note: RIP Bernadette Bayot Hernandez

Bruno's POV

I closed the door leaving Natalie in the room. As I walked down the hall I saw Bridgette standing there. I guess she was already home with my sisters. She was looking at me with a worried face. I gazed at her and then just brushed pass her.

"Bruno, what's wrong?" she asked at my back.

"Nothing," I just answered and then continued walking.

I climbed down the stairs with an even heavier heart. I knew I was about to cry but I have to stand the tears. I didn't want anyone seeing me cry and I didn't want my mom to know that I and Natalie were kind of having a fall out.

"You're not even my husband! In fact, you're not even my real boyfriend!"

She's right. Why am I acting like this? I'm not even her boyfriend. But why am I so affected? What is wrong with me? Does this really mean that I do have feelings for Natalie again? I don't understand! I-

But what hurts the most is that she doesn't even want to tell me about how she lost the ring. Is she going to hide this from me forever? I'm just really hurt. I felt like I was the most pathetic person in the world.

"Hey brother! I bought something for you!" Presley welcomed me with this news as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I saw that my sisters just arrived. "This shirt will look good on you," she said in enthusiasm as she took out a shirt from her shopping bag.

"Please, Pres. Not now," I said in a weary voice and then left her.

Dinner time came and I still wasn't okay and Natalie still hasn't showed downstairs. We were all seated at the dining table, eating dinner. I was beside Ali who also didn't look like she was in a good mood. While eating, the ladies were chattering and Phil and Eric were eating like pigs. I just sat there eating ever so slowly and not saying a word.

"Bruno, where's Natalie?" my Mom suddenly asked.

"She's in my room," I answered in a low voice looking down on my plate.

"Could you tell her to come down now and eat? She must be hungry," she commanded.

"She's asleep," I lied.

Everyone looked at me probably thinking that I was looking a little strange. I can tell they were worried and not convinced with my answer, even Ali.

"Are you two alright, Bruno?" Jaime asked.

I looked at her with sad eyes and then quickly looked down.

Persey's (Natalie) POV

I didn't want to go downstairs and join them to dinner. I didn't want to deal with anyone or with anything right now. So for the rest of the night, I stayed inside the room sitting up on the bed and crying every once in a while. I can't get Bruno out of my head. I know it's true but I shouldn't have said that to him. I've just hurt him for the second time around. I'm still not sure if he... does has feelings for me though. Was I too numb to realize that? I don't want to assume! Maybe I know he do likes me but I just don't want to believe it.

How 'bout me? Do I have feelings for Bruno?

One o'clock in the morning and I was still awake. I can't sleep because of Bruno. He hasn't come back. When does he plan to sleep, anyway? Where does he plan to sleep?

I stood up from the bed and reached for the door. I went out of the room and tip toed my way down the stairs. I saw no one in the living room, in the kitchen, in any parts of the first floor of the house. Finally, I went to the backyard and saw who I was looking for. He was sitting on the bench drinking wine and staring at the moon. Beside him was Geronimo. He didn't know I was there just staring at him and dying to reach him.

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