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“Now?” I asked, frowning at my mom. She nodded.

“Yes, now.” I groaned but followed her into the house. Tucker and I had just gotten back from the brook, and I wanted to call Emily, but my mom said she needed to talk with me, so I followed her to her room, where she rummaged around in the top drawer of her dresser for a moment. I rolled my eyes impatiently as I waited, until finally she turned around and handed me a wad of money.

I stared at her, wide eyed. My mother never just gave me money.

“What’s this for?” I asked, confused. She beamed at me.

“I know you’ve been going through some stuff. I know you and Tucker have had issues, and I know you’re better now. That doesn’t mean you two couldn’t use a day off.” She said, making my eyes water.  I threw my arms around her neck and squeezed her so tight I’m surprised her head didn’t pop off.

“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” I squealed, jumping up and down. She laughed.

“Yeah yeah, now let go, I cant breathe.” I let her go and stepped back. Beaming at her.

“Thank you so much, mom. I love you.” I said happily, and she smiled back.

“I haven’t seen you as happy as you are with Tucker since before the accident.” She hesitated before continuing.

“I don’t want to see that end. Every couple needs a day.” She said, and I couldn’t help hugging her again before kissing her cheek and running upstairs to my room where Tucker was sprawled on the bed.

I ran in and dived on top of him, making my poor bed creak and Tucker gasp. I scrambled around until I was straddling him and then waved the money in his face.

“We have tomorrow off.” I said happily, and he raised an eye brow.

“Your mom gave you money?” he asked. I rolled my eyes. He never asked the right questions.

“Yes, so we can go spend it!” I cried, bouncing a little on top of him, making him laugh.

I quickly scrambled off of him and grabbed my phone, dialing Emily’s number. I sat down on the floor and nearly screamed when Emily picked up. This may not seem like a big deal, but you have to understand, my mom had never just given me a day off, let alone with money to spend on nothing in particular.

I chatted animatedly on the phone with Emily tracing a not in the wood of my floor with my finger nail. Tucker rolled off of my bed and landed heavily on the floor on his back, only moving to turn his head so he was looking at me.

“What was that?” Emily asked on the other end. I giggled.

“Tucker fell off my bed.” I explained.

“I didn’t fall, it was on purpose.” He said, loud enough so Emily could hear. I heard her laugh softly.

“I’m glad to hear you alive again.” She said, referring to the conversation we had had the other day, when she had tried to get out of me what was wrong, but I could hardly speak.

I glanced down at Tucker who was tugging mindlessly on my shoe laces, and I smiled a little.

“Yeah, I am. I’ll explain everything on Wednesday.” I said. She always came over on Wednesdays.

“Have you gotten the pictures form the wedding yet?” I asked. I hadn’t looked at them since the day I had opened them, then closed them when I couldn’t take it any longer. I looked down at Tucker and tugged my fingers through his hair, grateful that he was back at my side.

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