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Mariana waves goodbye to her brother one last time as he drive off leaving her standing in front of the airport with her bags along with her boyfriend and his family. "Lista?" Marc asks grabbing her bag. She nods. (I have no idea how old  so I'm making this up) Mariana  walks along side Marc's sister, Martina. The girl was only 1 year younger than the girl so they got along pretty well.
"How do you feel about having a small girls day with me and my mom" she asks the older girl.
"I'd love too" Mariana tells her.

The two girls chat up a storm with one another, leaving the two adults and the young boy to do all the work and talking.
Martina chuckles and grips onto the girls arm as they sit on the bench after they pass security and we're putting their shoes back on.

Marc walks over to his sister and girlfriend and pushes his sister away, sitting in between them.
He wraps an arm around her and kisses the side of her head. Then turning to his sister and glaring at him. "Someone's jealous" she jokes before standing up and walking over to her parents. Leaving the couple alone. "Anita" Marc hums pressing his lips onto her cheek.
Mariana smiles and leans into him before they decide to stand up.


After a long trip from Spain to Costa Rica the family and the girl finally stood in their hotel. The girl places her bag in the corner of the room before quickly pulling her clothes and skincare out. It was currently only 8 pm here in Costa Rica and 3 am back in Spain but the 13 hour flight and the 6 hour time difference is as really starting to take a toll on the girl.
Just as she was about to fall on her bed she hears someone knocks at the door.
She sighs then stands up and walks over to open it and a smile makes its way to her face as a messy hair Marc stands in front of her. "My mom said if it's fine with your parents I can sleep here" he beams, the question made her giggles.
"You know it's fine with my parents Marc" she tells him.
His smile widens and he leaves her standing there as he walks back into his parents room. Coming out a few seconds later with his suit case.
Mariana laughs as he places his stuff in the corner of the room, along with hers. "Took me forever to convince them" he comments making his way to the bathroom.
Marc's parents were more on the stricter side than her parents were.
Well that's what it seemed like to Marc. He constantly felt interrogated by his parents whenever he asked for permission to go out, more so after they decided to let him move into La Masia when he was 10. Marc's parents trust him or wanted too but, now, essentially now, they worry about how the boys friend are constantly inviting him to parties and going out and how without question he'll go out with them. Marc has gotten into trouble for sneaking out while the season was on as well . Which worried them. They had also recently realized he was getting a lot more attention on social media ever since the friendly in Japan he got to play in with the first team.
Mariana on the other hand, her parents let her be free but that's simple because they know their daughter and know she would never do anything bad. They trust her but they also thought that she needed to be more out there and social because she spends her free time all alone if Marc wasn't there.
She was a responsible girl, quiet, introverted, smart and respectful. They can't remember a single time where she's done something that would get her in big trouble. Even her own siblings would tell her she needs to go out more. Not only that she tried to keep herself on the low because she's seen how people think it's fine to randomly record her family. She not the biggest fan of public attention and preferred to be the 'forgotten sister'. But she was the perfect girl in Marc's eyes. She always will be. She was his number 1. The first things he thought about when he woke up.

Mariana lays in her bed, after texting her parents. She had the blanket wrapped tightly around her as she tries her hardest not to fall asleep and wait for Marc.
Soon he comes out. "Bebe" he says in a jokingly tone before scurrying off under the covers with his girlfriend. The teens turns around so that they were face to face but due to the dark they couple barely see each other.
"Hola" he whispers.
"Hola" she whispers back.

He leans in and presses his lips too hers for a few moments.
They pulls away  and the girl moves her head to his chest.
"What are we going to do tomorrow?" The girl whispers placing her hand on his stomach. Marc wraps his arm around her shoulder holding her closer to him. "anem a explorar" he says in Catalan
She hums and closes her eyes. "bona nit, amor"
"Buenas noches." Marc shifts in the bed placing his face in her hair then wrapping her up tighter in his grip.
The teenagers falls asleep in each others arms. The time difference causing them to instantly fall asleep.

A/n: just another small chapter to build up the story. If you didn't come from my other story I just wanted to say well thank youuu for choosing to read this book!! Secondly my updates won't be super constant because I want to focus on finishing my other one but I will be posting!!
Love you all!!

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now