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The next few days have most definitely been filled with my brother and boyfriend fans all wishing on my downfall but I've been trying to avoid the comments.
But it's one of those things where you're literally so curious to see what they're saying and you cannot stop.
My toxic trait. I can't handle what other people say and think of me but I need to know what they say and think of me.
But now, right now I was laying on my bed in the middle of the night watching as my brother limped off the field on the screen in front of me.

I get up off my bed and grab my phone, sending my mom a text. Asking what the hell happened.
But I got no response.
I turn off the TV and sit on the edge of my bed, waiting a few more moments before calling my dad in hope that he'll have information by the time I call.

"So what happened?" I asks worriedly through the phone.
"They think he tore his ACL." My dad says through the phone.
My hand goes to my mouth as I start to bite my nail. "no..have you talked to him? How is he? Do you want me to come home?" I spit out all these questions at my dad.
"He didn't want to talk to me but he should be back by 1 am." He tells me.
"I'm booking a flight.." I mumble getting up off the bed and grabbing my laptop.
I stop closing all my tabs as my phone starts to vibrate.
"Pablo is calling me! I'll call you back." Without even letting my poor father respond I hang up and answer my brother's call.

"Pablo? Que pasó?" I asks him with worry.
"What are you doing up? I didn't expect you to answer." The pain was lacing in his voice.
"I wanted to watch your game...what happened?" I ask him, setting my laptop down on the bed next to me.
"They think I tore my ACL." He whispers sadly.
"I have to get a scan to make sure but he said he was almost 90% sure it was a tear."

"You'll get through it...you're one of the strongest people I know." I tell him.
I hear him chuckle softy. "Thank you Hermanita, but that's not why I called." He tells me.
"What's up?" I asks.

"I just wanted to hear about your day." Is this boy mental?
He called me to hear about my day when he's in pain? I decided not to question him.
"Well..it was fine, I did school, hung out with Marc and his mom, watched the boys train then...do you want me to come home?" I stop my day mid way to ask him.
"No..you stay and support Marc..I'll be okay. I have Mom, Dad and Aurora." He says
"But-no, stay please. You need to be there if they get knocked out." He tells me
"But you're my brother?" I tell him
He laughs. "It's okay, Mari."

"But- No! just listen for once." He cuts me off.
I scrunch my face. "Damn..okay."

"I'll let you go to sleep, te quiero, cabezona." I roll my eyes at the nickname.
"Take care, and text me when you land! Te quiero." I tell him.
He agrees before we hang up.

I sit in my bed for a few more minutes, with my hands crossed on my lap before finally deciding to lay down. Did I fall asleep? No. Did I wait for the, 'Im home' text from my brother then fall asleep? Yes.


"Hey! Baby! Hello? Anita?" I wake up to Marc shaking me.
I groan and turn away from him. "It's 9:30, we're going to miss breakfast." He tells me.
"I only slept 2 hours." I mumble into the sheets.
He doesn't say anything as he crawls into my bed and lays in front of me.
"I heard about what happened..is that why you didn't sleep?" He questions me. I hum at him.
"How is he?"
"He says he's fine but I can't tell he's obviously upset." I mumble. Marc presses his lips to my cheek before he mumbles something I don't really understand because I falling back asleep.
He gets up from the bed.
"Get some rest, I'll be back in a bit with something to eat for you." He says before walking out of my room.
and just like that I fell back into a deep sleep again for a few minutes.

"Ya, Anita, get up." I flinch at the feeling of someone's hand on my back. I twist my head to see Marc yet again.
"You said to rest." I whisper confused on why he came back so early.
He laugh and shows me his phone. "It's 2 in the afternoon. You need to go eat something." He sits down next to me.
I groan and sit up. I grab my phone to see that my brother had texted me saying that he was on his way to get checked out just 20 minutes ago. I quickly respond to him to let me know what they say before getting up and heading to the restroom to get ready.



I set out her food nicely on the table as I wait for her to get out of the bath.
I sit down on the edge of her bed as she opens the door.
I beam over at her as I motion to the large iced coffee and sandwich I had bought her.
She chuckles softy as she rubs her eyes and walks over to me.
"Gracias, amor." She says wrapping her arms around my neck and sitting on my lap.
I place my hand on her lower back and hold her to me.
"Go eat." I tell her. The girl shifts in my arms, holding me closer.
She kisses my cheek, before getting up from me and grabbing her food.
I walk over and sit down next to her as she enjoys her food.
We stay quiet for a while, just enjoying each others presence.
I look down at my watch then back at her. I was trying to stay here till the very last minute.
I stare at her for a few seconds and she looks at me awkwardly as she chews.
"Sorry." I says

"Are you excited for the game?" She asks me as she takes a sip of her drink.
I shrug. "Im pretty confident." I tell her.
She nods at me and places her food down before walks over to me and wrapping her arms around me from behind.
I place my hand on hers that rested on my chest as she rests her head slightly against mine.
"You're going to do amazing." She responds.
I smile softy at her and push her hand up to my lips to give her a small kiss.
"Thank you." I tell her.

A/n: 😍

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now