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It was the next day and I was going to meet Marc outside of La Masia to go on his celebratory lunch.
I had around 3 hours until I had to head home so I could do my online class.
I make it to the build but stop as I see a few people standing outside the exit and my boyfriend who stood in the middle taking pictures and signing things.
I stand a bit away so I wouldn't get in the way and I waited. I lean against a tree as I cross my arm over my chest watching the nervous boy. I take my phone out and snap a picture from my spot of him.
Marc looks up and spots me across the street, he smiles at me before saying some something to the fans and waving at them.
I push off the tree as I see him jog across the street to where I was. "Hola." He says. I didn't get a chance to respond before he presses his lips to mine, catching me off guard since I didn't think he would kiss me with a bunch of fans around and especially because he knew that if he ever blew up, I wanted to have our relationship out of the spotlight as much as possible to try and not have "fans" hate as much.
"Esto es para ti." He raised up his hand, which held the blue and red jerseys. I take it from him and open it up, to see his name and number. I fold it back up and hold it closer to my chest. "Gracias, I'll wear it to the next game, I promise." I beam at him.
He throws his arm around my shoulder and we start to make our way down to the diner.
"Did you see how many followers I gained in just one night? Its at 700k." He tells me as he pulls out his phone to show me his instagram. I take his phone and click on his followers, noticing that a lot of them were just girls. I mean I can't blame them. He's pretty good looking.
"Congratulations." I says, bumping his hip.
He bumps mine back, slightly harder, causing me to stumble to the side. "Hey." I chuckle as I playfully push him.
Marc laughs as he does it back then wraps his arms around me from the back, holding my arms tightly so I couldn't move and push him.

Eventually we make it to the diner and order our food.
"and how's school?" Marc asks from his spot in front of me.
"It's okay, I kind of regret taking online for most of them but it's fine." I shrug, taking a sip from my drink.
"The on campus class is extremely fun though, my professors dislocated a dummies knee and taught us how to pop it back into place." Marc cringed at my words.
I wanted to be an Athletic Trainer, it had been my dream jobs for a while now. I just love the thought on helping people prevent or help them with their injuries so they can keep living their dreams.
"Now I know who to call if my knee gets dislocated." The light brown haired boy tells me jokes.
I smile softy at him. "I'm glad school is okay so far. I'm sure the rest of the year will be a breeze." He encourages me.
"Hopefully I'll—excuse me, sorry, I was wondering if I could get a picture with you." I turn my head to the boy, who was no older then 14. He stares at Marc with a nervous look on his face.
Marc nods and gets up from his seat so they were closer.
"Can you take the picture." He asks me, handing me over his phone.
I nod and give him a small smile to show that it was no bother. I take a few pictures of them before hanging him back his phone.
"Thank you! congratulations on the game last night, me and my family were in the crowd and that goal was amazing." The fan says as he turns to face Marc.
Marc smiles at him and thanks him before the boy leaves.
He sits back down and gives me a sad smile. "What?" I asks.
He shakes his head. "I didn't think anyone would actually come up to me, I'm sorry." He explains.
I frown and shake my head at him, not understanding why he was apologizing.
"Marc, fans coming up to you doesn't bother me, you don't have to apologize." I tell him.
"I just don't like when fans put people down based off one thing they heard or something. But that was a sweet kid." I chuckle.
He nods at me and reaches across the table to grab one of my hands. "It's cool that you blew up so quickly." I comment.
He laughs. "Right? I had 54k yesterday morning and now I'm at 700k." He says in shock.
"1 million by the end of the week." I bet him.

"Really?" He questions while raising his eyebrow.
I nod.
I look up as I see the waitress bring out food, I smile at her and thank her as she sets out plates down then excused herself.
"Will it bother you if I post you on my stories? Like I used too." Marc says as he digs into his pasta.
I shake my head. "No, not really, I just don't want our relationship to be so publicly out there, you know what I mean? Like I want to keep it away from fame." I mentally cringe at how bad of a did at explaining how I felt. I wanted our relationship to be private because I've seen how crazy people can get over a famous have a partner or a rumored one. My brother has been dealing with it for the last year and the girl is dating his best friend. For gods sake, I was that person, I was obsessed with these two American YouTuber rumored to be dating when I was younger.

He nods and swirls his fork. "I don't get a say?" He ask, his voice slight stone.
I freeze. "What-amor, we talked about this and I thought we agreed?" I says. I really didn't want to argue with him.
"What if I changed my mind?" He sighs setting down his fork and sitting up straight.

"I don't want to talk about it right now, Marc. Let's just enjoy our lunch, okay? We're celebrating your debut and goal." I tell him as I start to eat my food.
The boy sighs and digs back into his lunch.

A/n: 💀

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now