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I grip her hand as I lead her through the crowd of people, trying to find the host of the party himself. I pull her closer to me as we pass by a big group of guys. My eyes stay on them as we approach, watching as a few or their eyes trained on my girlfriend while they whispered stuff to their friends. Instinctively, I glare them down as I pass by, switching my grip on Anita's hand to my other hand to pull her to the other side of me. I turn back to Mariana and her eyes meet mine, a cute grin makes its way up her face as she adjusts herself, hooking her arm through mine. Finally making it to the kitchen, I spot the familiar curly headed boy who I call my best friend. "Hector" I call out over the music. The boy takes a sip of his drink as he turns to face us. A smile appears on his face as the cup gets moved down. He walks over to us, his hand out. "What's up, tio" He says, dabbing me up. I smile back as we do. "I didn't think you had this many friends" I joke looking around. Hector laughs and shrugs. "Friends of friends" his eyes divert to the girl next to me, a slight shock expression taking over his face for a quick second before it goes back to smiling. "Mariana? How are you? I haven't seen you in a while." he says kindly, they air kiss each other's cheek as they greet each other. "I'm good, and you?" She asks.
He takes another sip of his drink before responding. "I'm good, I didn't think parties were your thing." I slightly nudge and give him a wtf look. Hector chuckles and I instantly get the smell of alcohol from his breath. Hector smirks and reaches over to grab another cup handing it to me. I glance back a Anita as she just stands awkwardly next to me. I take the cup from him and take a small sip, feeling the alcohol burn down my throat. It wasn't my first time drinking but it was my first time drinking in front of Mariana. I hand her the cup, offering her a sip and she shakes her head, carefully pushing the cup back. "Won't your parents smell the alcohol in your breath?" She says into my ear after I lean down. I shake my head and take another sip. "I'll just tell them I'm sleeping over at yours." Mariana sighs at my words but nods then glances back at Hector. "Do you have soda?" She questions.
Hector laughs but nods, walking over to his fridge opening it up to show her a bunch of other drinks. A quickly finish the rest of my drink, earning a small cheer from Hector as he hands me another one. I laugh taking it from his hand. Mariana walks back over with a coke it her hand and hector tells us that he'll catch up with us later before leaving.
"Quieres bailar?" I shout over the music while placing my hand on her waist. She looks hesitant for a moment and I sigh. I knew that she wasn't much of a partier but she actually seemed excited to come but now she seems like she doesn't really want to be here. "Anita, please?" I say. She nods setting her drink down.
I smile and take her hand leading her to the crowd of people. The song Columbia by Quevedo was playing, I grin over at her knowing that she's been obsessed with this song ever since it hit released 1 week ago. I watch her mood instantly change and she starts to move to the music and sings out the lyrics. "Bebé, sé que le tiene' Mucho miedo al compromiso y yo también
Quiere' olvidarme, mmm, ódiame"
I watch as everyone around us sings and jump to the song.
"Si eso te ayuda, pero, ma', me entran duda'
Porque sé que solo tú
Te ríes mientras chingamo' en el cuarto a poca luz"
I take her yet again by the waist as people starts to bump into one another as they move around. Mariana laughs as she turns around and rest her head against my chest. We sway for a few moments in each other arms for a few moments, may hand moving to her upper back. I lift my cup back up to my lips taking another sip from the alcohol. Partying during summer time was the only time i would drank, i saw it as a way to let go during off season and me just being a teenager. It wasn't exactly responsible of me but what 15-17 year old in Europe hasn't drank at least once before they turned of age? I move my cup to Mariana, asking her again if she would like a sip but she denies. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Lamine and Pau. I smile and greet them with a hand shake. "Haven't see you all summer bro." lamine shouts over the music. I shrug as we all move off the side to get out of the big crowd. "I've been enjoying my summer" I laugh. Pau ruffles my hair and shoves me slightly. "You ready for training to begin? We made it to the first team boys" he smiles widely slapping my back.
I laugh and shove him playfully before turning to look back at my girlfriend to see if she was okay. I look back to she the girl not by me anymore or anywhere around me. I turn back to look at my two friends. "Did you see where Anita went?" I shout.
Lamine and Pau shakes their heads at me. "I didn't even see her by you bro." lamine says back. I frown and turn around. "I'll see you guys in a bit." I yell back before making my way around the first floor of the house trying to find the brunette haired girl. After a couple of minutes and asking a few people if they've seen a brunette hair, average height, pretty girl, I had finally found her sitting outside on a chair across from someone. I open the door and step out, instantly grabbing her attention. She smiles back at me and motions for me to come closer. I frown as I approach noticing that she was sitting with a blonde headed boy with a beer in his hand. "Estas bien? You just randomly left." I ask placing a hand on her shoulder. She nods. "I just wanted some fresh air, I thought you heard me when I told you?" I shake my head "I'm sorry, amor, I didn't hear you." I look up from her and make direct eye contact with the blonde boy.
He grins at me before taking a sip of his beer. "Who is this?" I look back at her while motioning my head toward the guy.
"Nicolas, he came and joined me like 2 minutes ago." she shrugs. "This is my boyfriend , Marc." she smiles at the boy as she reaches out wrapping her arms around my waist. The boy nods his head to me but doesn't say anything.
I place my hand on her upper back holding her. "Let's go back inside?" I say down at her. She nods and stands up. "Well it was nice meeting you." she tells the boy. "It was nice meeting you too." he smiles at her. I mentally roll my eyes at him, not liking his vibe. "See you." I say to him, taking Mariana hand and pulling her along. I open the door for her, leading her back to the party. I knew Mariana was a very pretty girl, she started to get a lot of attention from boy when we were around 13 and started to get even more attention from them once her brother debuted for the first team, which is another reason she prefers to stay out of spotlight but I've never been super fond on the fact of her having any guy friends, not because I don't trust her, but because I know how guys can be around a pretty face, just like how she knows how girls can be, and I fully trust her judgement if she says she doesn't like a girls vibe.
I walk over to the living room, leaning against the wall pulling Mariana with me, her back against my front. She shows me a cup that's in her hand which I had failed to notice. "he gave me this but I don't trust him enough to drink it, I'm going to dump it out." she tells me. I take it front her hand and try to examine the liquid best I could in the dim lights. "I'll dump it" I says to her, pushing off the wall before walking to the kitchen, to yet again find hector in there drowning a glass of water . "Marc!" He cheers walking over to me. I smile at him walking over to the sink and dumping the rest liquid out. Hector slaps my back. "That was a good drink." He frowns at me. I shake my head and look back at him. "Some random guy gave it to Anita and she doesn't trust him to drink it, and neither do I, honestly" I inform him. He nods understandingly. Before I was able to walk away, the boy stops me. "Marc..I don't want to be mean because I know Mari is a good girl and she very sweet but...dude..you can't bring her to stuff like this because you don't loosen up when she's here." He tells me in my ear. I frown at my friend's words and leans into his ear. "But I want her here." I tell him. He nods. "I know but you don't seem to enjoy the party when you bring her to things like this..I thought you knew that and that's why you haven't brought her in a while. You're practically clinging onto her and the moment she leaves your side you have to run and find her." I shakes my head at him and wave off what he said. "You're drunk and not thinking right, I'll catch you later, dude" I tell him, leaving him standing there in the kitchen, trying my best to ignore that fact that what he said hurt my feelings.

A/n: I have like so many chapters written out already and I low key feel like it's kind of dramatic but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ enjoy 😘

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now