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I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. I haven't talked to Mariana since the argument and I still had that out feeling in my stomach.
"Dude, just text her and apologize then come up with a compromise." Hector says as he turns around on his bed.
I sigh and pick up my phone. "You've been moping around all day, just forgive each other." He groans.
I roll my eyes as I was about to click on her contact name.
"Should I call or text?" I asks, not really sure which one will be better.
"Call her, duh?"
I look back at my phone and as soon as I was about to click on her contact name, my screen stops for a second then her name pops up on my phone.
"She's calling me!" I says.
Hector turns back to me with wide eyes. "We manifested her, dude." He says.
"Get out, I don't want you listening." I point at the door.
I answer the call, try to hide that I was slightly happy that she called me.

"Hola." I said in a calm tone, as I watch Hector walk out of our bedroom.
"Hey." I felt my heart swell at her sweet voice.
I bit my lips my lip for a second not really sure what to say, or how to start this.
"I'm sorry for what I said, earlier. I didn't mean it, you weren't acting stuck up." She says.
I smile softy. "I'm sorry too. I didn't want that to get out of hand but I really do want to have a public relationship with you. And I get that you're scared that people might push us away but I promise, I won't let that happen." I tell her. I sit up and set my phone in front of me on the bed. I played with my fingers nervously before reaching over and putting my AirPods in.
"Can we talk about that in a second? I need to ask you about something I heard." Her voice seemed slight jumpy.
"Yeah?" I asks.
She hesitates to talk for a few seconds. "Someone told me that you were talking to Hector about our relationship and how you said I was unfair and not understanding, and that it was extremely annoying how 'antisocial' I was." I freeze, not knowing what exactly to say.
"Is that true?" She asks.
I bit my lip, well I can't lie now. "it is...but amor, I was just upset because of what had happened, I know it was wrong of me, I realized that and Hector also gave me a scolding after it. I'm sorry." I felt my heart start to race. I truly did feel bad after I calmed down.
I hear her sigh. "It makes me feel like you've lied about being okay with something then you go and talk bad about me." She responds.
My heart skips a beat at her tone, it was calm but I could tell she was hurt. "No, no. I don't. Yo te amo. I was just being stupid this time." It was true. I've never talked bad about her before that's why Hector almost hit me upside the head.
"I won't make a big deal out of it..." she mumbles.
I calm down slightly. "Who told you that?" I ask, in slight fear that her brother was the one who heard me then ran to tell her.
"It's not important." She says. I don't push, knowing that she wasn't going to snitch the person out.
We stay quiet for a few more seconds before she speaks up again.
"I'm scared that I won't be able to handle people judging our relationship." She changes the conversation.
"I've never taken hate well." She whispers.

I sigh. "I think everything will be just fine, I think we can just push past it." I encourage.
She doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds, then I hear a silent. 'Okay'

"Really?" I say, with slight excitement in my voice.
"Yeah." She says.

I laugh for a few seconds. "Yo te amo, mucho y lo siento por siendo un tonto." I says one last time too her.
"Yo también, te amo." She says, I can hear the smile on her voice.
I felt as a sudden relief got lifted off my chest now that we had made up.
"And how was your day?" I asks her, trying to go back to a normal conversation.
"Besides the argument, it was fine, Lucia brought me a donut at work. It was delicious." she mentions.
I smile. "I'm glad the rest of your day was good."
"Do I see you tomorrow?" I question her.

"I'm having a girls day with my mom and sister." She explains.

"Ah, okay. That sounds fun."
"Yeah, I'm excited.

We talk for a bit longer when I remember that Hector was probably still waiting to be able to come back.
"Amor, im going to have to go. I told hector to get out when you called me and it's been an hour." I swipe out of the call app and throw my friend and text that he can come back.
"Vale..I'll talk to you soon. Buenas noches." She tells me.
"Bona nit, amor. Adios."

"Adios." I hang up the call and just as soon as I did I watch my curly headed friend walk back into the room. His hair was all over the place.
I look at him questionably but he walks over to his bed and fall face first.
"I fell asleep in Prims room and he woke me up when you texted me." He mumbles pulling the covers over himself.
"Sorry." I say quietly.
He hums and faces away from me. "Turn off the light, I'm tired." He instructs me.
Well that's the least I can do for him. I reach over and flick off the bedroom light. Then make my way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
We had training in the morning.
"Wait! Did you guys fix everything?"
"Yeah!" I say with my tooth brush in my mouth.


A/n: 😝

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now