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"We're home." I says as me and my mom walk through the front door of the house.
I watch as my brother emerges from the living room and stands there with his hands on his hips.
"Finally, took you long enough, I'm starving." He complains.
"Why is it when I see you, you are always complaining?" I asks as I take off my shoes before walking over to him and placing a kiss on his cheek.
"You always give me something to complain about." He mumbles as he follows me into the kitchen.
I saw my sister and her boyfriend setting up the table.
I smile and walk over to them and greet them the same way I did Pablo.
"How was work?" Aurora asks.
"Good, Lucia brought me a donut." I tell her as I walk over to wash my wands.
"Mija, you should invite her over to eat one day." My mom says as she bring the pot of spaghetti over and places it in the center of the table.
I sit down at my spot and nod. "Yeah, I'll asks her." I tell her.
"Marc too." My dad points.
I nod again, reaching over to place a big spoonful of food on my plate.
"Tell me why, Marc and Hector were whispering like a group of teenage girls during training." Pablo says, shoving his mouth with food as he looks at me.
Aurora laughs at what he said. "No, i'm serious. It was like when you and Mari go into your room just to talk." He says seriously.
I shrug and keep eating my food. "They were probably just talking about yesterday." I lie.

"I was watching the game from home, that was absolutely insane. Scoring 27 seconds into your debut." Javi raves.
"Oh, yes I need to call and congratulate him still." My mom says as she sits down. I hum and just keep eating. I was happy for him and I love that my family loves him but I didn't really want to talk about him right now. I obviously knew that the boy told Hector a lot about what goes on in our relationship but finding out that he talked bad about ME, his girlfriend, made me feel sick.
I look up from my bowl and see my brother staring at me intensely as noodles stuck out of his mouth.
I cringe and make a disgusted face before turning to Aurora who also was staring at me, except not food hanging out her mouth.
I look away from them and at my parents who still talked about Marc.
"Can we have a girls day tomorrow?" I ask my mom and my sisters.
"I only have one class tomorrow, so I'm down." Aurora says looking between me and my mom.
"Same, I only have one class at 1, on campus." I tell her.
My mom nods. "Sure, I'd love too."
I smile. "What if I want to spend time with you too, mama." Pablo says in a slight sad voice, but I knew he was only messing around.
My dad placed his hand on Pablo shoulder then looks over at Javi.
"We can have a boys day. What time do you have training?" He asks looking back at Pablo.
"9, I get off at 12." He says.
"Great! Javi? What do you think?" Javi nods. "Just text me when and where and I'll be their." He says.

"We can go get our nails done!" Aurora says excitedly.
"Yes! I haven't gotten my nails done in so long." I smile widely.
We all sit and eat, enjoying our time together. I loved being with my family. They always knew how to make me happy even if they didn't know I was upset.
"Yo soy el más guapo." Pablo lifts up his hand.
"No, your aren't." Aurora argues with him. "Yo soy, right, Javi?" She asks her boyfriend.
Javi nods as he take a drink of his water. "La más guapísima."

Aurora smiles sassily at Pablo before kissing her boyfriend cheek, causing him to groan at his older sister words.
"No, no, no, La más guapa es mi bebé." I blush as I feel my mom pinch my cheek. Pablo raises his hands. "Claro, how could I forget? La bebé de la familia." He complains.
I giggle as my mom pulls me into a hug, pressing her cheek up against mine.
"All of you are gorgeous." She tells us.

Pablo chuckles. "But me more, right?" Our mom rolls her eyes and he lifts his hands up in his defense.
"Bueno, me da igual. I have millions of girls who say other wise." He smile's cheekily.
We all laugh at my brother's words and how he jokes about being cocky since the public says he is.

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now